if else in for loop+looping through line colors for plot
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I'm reading a set of files and setting my plotting characteristics. When I get to a certain number of variables, 15 in this case I run out of regular RGB colors, other than yellow and black. I am using another variable later on in my script as black and yellow is just hard to see. I'm trying to add in additional colors in my loop but I get the index exceeds matrix dimensions error.
This is due to the fact that i is at 16, but I only have 15 total additional Line styles and 5 additional colors. How do I get it to continue going through the files but just start at the beginning of the other LineStyles and extraLineColor variables to continue plotting other lines styles/colors?
Here's my code:
% % %load in files
[files]= dir('*.median.stat');
% %Set plotting characteristics
lWidth = 2;
extraLineColors={rgb('orange') rgb('purple') rgb('DarkGray') rgb('Pink') rgb('Brown')};
LineStyles = {'--' ':' '-' '--' ':' '-' '--' ':' '-' '--' ':' '-' '--' ':' '-'};
stationLineStyles = {'r--' 'r:' 'r-' 'b--' 'b:' 'b-' 'g--' 'g:' 'g-' 'm--' 'm:' 'm-' 'c--' 'c:' 'c-'};
labelSize = 14;
titleSize = 16;
if (i <= 15)
semilogx(files(i).data(:,1),files(i).data(:,2), stationLineStyles{i},'LineWidth',lWidth)
hold on
else (i > 15) semilogx(files(i).data(:,1),files(i).data(:,2),'LineStyle',LineStyles{i},'Color',
legendn{i} = [sta ' ' loc ' ' chan];
I know I am probably doing something really silly here or am just tired. Can anyone clue me into to what I'm doing wrong?
Accepted Answer
Image Analyst
on 9 Dec 2013
Try using a predefined colormap like jet.
myColorMap = jet(length(files)); % One unique color for each file.
Then, to use this colormap for the ith line, do this:
'LineStyle',LineStyles{i}, ...
Image Analyst
on 9 Dec 2013
You could just pick random colors that are different than each other. Expand out by 3 to have every three curves be the same color (let me know if you can't figure out how to do that):
clc; % Clear the command window.
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
clear; % Erase all existing variables.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
fontSize = 18;
% Make 20 plots, with 25 data points in each plot.
numberOfDataSets = 20;
x = 1:25;
y = rand(numberOfDataSets, length(x));
% These y would all be on top of each other.
% Separate the plots vertically.
offsets = repmat((1:numberOfDataSets)', [1, length(x)]);
y = y + offsets;
% Make up a different colormap for each line
cm = rand(numberOfDataSets,3); % Initialize with random color.
% Replicate it 3 times
% cm = repmat(cm, [3, 1])
for p = 2 : numberOfDataSets
nextColor = rand(1,3); % Random color.
% Make sure it's not too bright (close to white).
if sum(nextColor) > 0.8*3
% It's too bright, pick another color.
% Make sure it's different than the last color by some amount
priorColor = cm(p-1,:);
distance = sqrt((priorColor(1) - nextColor(1))^2 + ...
(priorColor(2) - nextColor(2))^2 + ...
(priorColor(3)- nextColor(3))^2);
if distance > 0.3 % or whatever
cm(p, :) = nextColor;
% Now plot the curves.
for p = 1 : numberOfDataSets
thisColor = cm(p, :)
plot(x,y(p,:), 'Color', thisColor,'LineWidth', 3);
hold on;
caption = sprintf('%d plots with the Initial Default Color Order (Note the repeating colors)', numberOfDataSets);
title(caption, 'FontSize', fontSize);
xlabel('X', 'FontSize', fontSize);
ylabel('Y', 'FontSize', fontSize);
% Enlarge figure to full screen.
set(gcf, 'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]); % Maximize figure.
% Give a name to the title bar.
set(gcf,'name','Image Analysis Demo','numbertitle','off')
msgbox('Done with demo!');
Image Analyst
on 10 Dec 2013
If you want colors that are all different from each other by at least some specified amount, you can use this code:
% Script to pick widely different colors in RGB space and plot a curve with each one.
% Colors are guaranteed to have a color difference (in RGB space) of at least 0.1 (25.5 gray levels).
clc; % Clear the command window.
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
clear; % Erase all existing variables. Or clearvars if you want.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
format long g;
format compact;
fontSize = 20;
minColorSeparation = 0.1; % In RGB space. Colors will be no closer than this to each other.
r = 0 : minColorSeparation : 1;
g = r;
b = r;
% Make a 3D grid of all color coordinates possible.
[rr, gg, bb] = meshgrid(r, g, b);
% Now we have created all possible colors.
% Select a number of colors to extract from the total possible colors.
numberOfColors = 10;
randomColors = sort(randperm(numel(rr), numberOfColors))
% These are the indexes of the randomly chosen colors.
fprintf('Just chose %d colors from a possible pallette of %d colors.\n',...
numberOfColors, numel(rr));
% Make "numberOfColors" plots, with 25 data points in each plot.
x = 1:25;
y = rand(numberOfColors, length(x));
% These y would all be on top of each other.
% Separate the plots vertically.
offsets = repmat((1:numberOfColors)', [1, length(x)]);
y = y + offsets;
% Extract a subset of "numberOfColors" colors from the total possible 11x11x11 colors.
selectedColors = [rr(randomColors)', gg(randomColors)', bb(randomColors)'];
% Plot "numberOfColors" lines, one in each color.
for p = 1 : numberOfColors
% Get the index of this random color in the colormap.
thisIndex = randomColors(p);
% Get the RGB value from the arrays.
thisColor = [rr(thisIndex), gg(thisIndex), bb(thisIndex)];
plot(x, y(p,:), 'Color', thisColor, 'LineWidth', 3);
hold on;
caption = sprintf('%d plots with very different colors', numberOfColors);
title(caption, 'FontSize', fontSize);
xlabel('X', 'FontSize', fontSize);
ylabel('Y', 'FontSize', fontSize);
grid on;
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