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Can you adjust the solar cell block in simulink so it takes into account the reverse characteristics?

1 view (last 30 days)
Hello ,
Simulink provides a block for a solar cell using the 1- or 2-diode model (see link).
I = Ip-Id1- Id2 - Ish
It is a perfectly working model, but it does not include reverse characterstices of the cells. I want to include the following equation; Ish = Vj/Rsh{1 + a(1-Vj/Vbr)^-m} where the below variables depend on the type of solar cell and are user controlled. Rsh is similar to Rp in the solar cell model.
a= fraction of shunt current involved in breakdow, m= Avalance current breakdown exponent, Vbr = junction of shunt current involved in breakdown.
Is there anyway i can add this eqatuion to pre-existing equation of the solar cell in matlab?
Is it possible/enough to include the equation (with variables) in the textbox for "Parallel resistance, Rp:"?
Thanks in advance,

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