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Simulink Desktop Real-Time

Generate real-time applications for simulations that run on a desktop computer and interface with I/O devices in the computer

Since R2019b


Use the Simulink Desktop Real-Time app to configure a model to build and run real-time applications on a desktop computer. The app configures the model to use the Simulink Desktop Real-Time code generation target and other configuration parameters for code generation. When you open the app, a Desktop Real-Time tab is added to the toolstrip. The Desktop Real-Time tab represents groups of tasks in the Simulink Desktop Real-Time workflow.

Use the Desktop Real-Time tab to perform tasks in the Simulink Desktop Real-Time workflow.

After you use the app to configure the model for Simulink Desktop Real-Time, you can perform these and more tasks from the Desktop Real-Time tab in the Simulink Editor.

Use the actions in the Mode section to select the simulation mode.

UI Control


Image of Run in Kernel button

Compile model into real-time application and run the application on desktop computer in real time. Monitor signals and tune parameters (external mode). For more information, see Real-Time Execution in Run in Kernel Mode.

Image of Connected IO button

Communicate with hardware inputs and outputs in real-time (normal mode). For more information, see Real-Time Execution in Connected IO Mode.

Use the actions in the Prepare section to configure the model and tune parameters.

UI Control


Image of Hardware Settings button

Configure model to run on hardware. The Configuration Parameters dialog box opens.

Image of Log Signals button

Send signal to the Simulation Data Inspector and workspace. Select one or more signals before using this button.

Image of Add Viewer button

Add a viewer to the selected signals. Select one or more signals before using this button.

Image of Test Point button

Allocate memory and make signals observable when using a Floating Scope. Select one or more signals before using this button.

Image of Signal Table button

Show table to manage signal logging and viewing. The Signal Table tab opens at the bottom of the Simulink Editor.

Image of Configure Logging button

Configure logging. The Data Inport/Export tab of the Configuration Parameters dialog box opens.

Image of Control Panel button

Launch external mode control panel. The control panel opens.

Image of Hold Updates button

If this button is toggled on, you can defer the update of block parameters until you click Update All Parameters or toggle off this button. For more information, see Tune Parameters by Using Hold Updates and Update All Parameters.

Image of Update All Parameters button

Update all parameters on hardware. For more information, see Tune Parameters by Using Hold Updates and Update All Parameters.

Remove Hardware Configuration

Remove hardware configuration from this model

Remove hardware configuration from this model. The code generation target is set to grt.tlc.

Use the actions in the Run in Real Time section build the model and run the real-time application.

UI Control


Image of Run in Real Time button

Compile model into real-time application and run the application on the desktop computer in real time. Monitor signals and tune parameters. For more information, see Execute Real-Time Application in Run in Kernel Mode by Using Run in Real Time.

Image of Build button

Generate executable application. For more information, see Execute Real-Time Application in Run in Kernel Mode by Using Step by Step Commands.

Image of Connect button

Connect model to application on hardware. For more information, see Execute Real-Time Application in Run in Kernel Mode by Using Step by Step Commands.

Image of Start button

Start monitoring signals and tuning parameters. For more information, see Execute Real-Time Application in Run in Kernel Mode by Using Step by Step Commands.

Image of Stop button

Stop application on hardware an disconnect model. For more information, see Execute Real-Time Application in Run in Kernel Mode by Using Step by Step Commands.

Use the actions in the Review Results section instrument the model and observe outputs.

UI Control


Image of Data Inspector button

View logged data in the Simulation Data Inspector.

Image of Logic Analyzer button

Visualize, measure, and analyze transitions and states over time in the Logic Analyzer.

The Simulink Desktop Real-Time app configures the model for Simulink Real-Time.

Open the Simulink Desktop Real-Time App

In the Apps gallery, under Real-Time Simulation and Testing, click Simulink Desktop Real-Time. The Desktop Real-Time tab opens.

Version History

Introduced in R2019b

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