Why do I get the error '??? Output argument ‹variable› (and maybe others) not assigned during call to ‹function›.' ?
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MathWorks Support Team
on 27 Feb 2012
Edited: MathWorks Support Team
on 19 Feb 2019
Why do I get the following error message :
??? Output argument ‹variable› (and maybe others) not assigned during call to ‹function›.
Accepted Answer
MathWorks Support Team
on 20 Feb 2019
One of the functions you have called is defined to return an output argument but that output argument does not exist in the function when it tries to return.
Common causes:
You have misspelled the name of one of your output arguments inside your function, or you have forgotten to assign a value to one of the output arguments of your function. Alternatively, the function was originally written with one or more output arguments, but the section of the function that computed the output argument was removed or modified in such a way that the output argument is now extraneous.
Stop MATLAB on the last line of the function listed in the warning or error message. Verify that each of the output arguments listed in the function declaration line at the beginning of the function exist after that last line is executed (using the DBSTEP function or the Step button in the Editor). If the arguments do not exist, examine the function to determine where you intended the arguments to be declared. Verify that those lines of code are being executed and have no typographical errors.
Example demonstrating this error:
More Answers (1)
Beginner Dave
on 11 Feb 2018
I also had the problem. After confirming the argument spelling, the problem persisted. I found a misplaced "end" in my function. After moving the "end" to the correct line, the problem was solved.
See Also
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