Why do I receive an error about "incorrect chunk size" when using WAVREAD in MATLAB? - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central

Why do I receive an error about "incorrect chunk size" when using WAVREAD in MATLAB?

6 views (last 30 days)
Using the following code:
I receive the following error:
??? Error using ==> wavread
Error using ==> wavread
Incorrect chunk size information in WAV file.

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 10 Jan 2012
The WAV-file that you are trying to read is most likely constructed improperly. There are two numbers written into WAV-files that are related to the size of the file itself. If these numbers are incorrect, you will receive this error.
The following function can fix your WAV-file. However, you should create a backup copy of your file before running the following function since it modifies the file.
function wavchunksizefix( filename )
d = dir(filename);
fileSize = d.bytes;
The function is run this way:
Kevin Gleason
Kevin Gleason on 27 Sep 2016
For those experiencing this issue with AVI files. Try using MMREADER instead of AVIREAD. If you cannot or if it does not work, you will have to use some external program to read the .avi and write a new version of it.

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