23,924 results



by Jan

RunLength coding as fast MEX and M-code

validity and speed.Tested: Matlab 6.5, 7.7, 7.8, 7.13, WinXP/32, Win7/64 Compiler: LCC3.8, BCC5.5, OWC1.8, MSVC2008/2010Does not compile under LCC2.4 shipped with Matlab/32!Assumed Compatibility

Makes the pre-R2008b (MATLAB 7.7) default desktop layout available on the Desktop Layout menu.

In MATLAB® 7.7 the default layout was changed. Choosing "Default" from the Desktop Layout menu now arranges desktop tools in three columns where previously they appeared in two columns. If you

This file contains functions to optimize chamfer masks and implement sequential distance transforms.

This submission implements functions to(1) Optimize chamfer masks using an alternative cost function, called symmetric mean absolute error (SMAPE), which has been widely used in weather forecasting

This submission implements a robust cost function for designing chamfer masks

The University of Alabama’s EcoCAR Mobility Challenge CAV designs from Year 1 of the competition

This upload contains The University of Alabama’s designs from Year 1 of the EcoCAR Mobility Challenge competition. Included in these files are driving scenarios from the Driving Scenario Designer



by Jan

Choose K elements from a vector - MEX: 100 times faster than NCHOOSEK

its specific job VChooseK is remarkably faster (see screen shot).Tested: Matlab 6.5, 7.7, 7.8, WinXPCompilers: BCC5.5, LCC2.4/3.8, Open Watcom 1.8Please run the unit-test TestVChooseK after compiling

This function extends the capabilities of the plot function in Matlab and enhances the visual output of a basic plot.

| %| #1 -- Extra Input(string array) | %| "XL" --------> Parameter used to define X-label

Breusch-Pagan test for heteroskedasticity in a linear regression model (original and Koenker's versions).

, R. (1981). "A note on studentizing a test for heteroskedasticity". Journal of Econometrics. 17 (1): 107–112. doi:10.1016/0304-4076(81)90062-2.

Multi-area power systems with wind integration for stability studies



Version 1.7.1

by Jan

MD5 or SHA hash for array, struct, cell or file

: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/25921Tested: Matlab 7.7, 7.8, 7.13, 8.6, 9.1, 9.5, Win7&10/64, Java: 1.3, 1.6, 1.7Bugreports and enhancement requests are welcome. Feel free to ask me about a version for Matlab 6.5.PS. MD5 and SHA1 hash

A Novel Metaheuristic Inspired by Horned Lizard Defense Tactics

dimensions 50 and 100.DOI: 10.1007/s10462-023-10653-7https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10462-023-10653-7



by Jan

Overlapping elements of 2 cell strings. 10-20 times faster than INTERSECT/ISMEMBER/SETDIFF.

'}, {'a', 'c', 'd', 'a', 'b'}) replies: AI = [1, 2, 4] and: BI = [1, 5, 1] [AI, BI] = CStrAinBP({'a', 'b', 'A'}, {'a', 'c', 'a', 'B', 'b'}, 'i') replies: AI = [1, 2, 3] and: BI = [1, 4, 1

Create a gridded lookup table of scattered data in n dimensions.

fit and smoothness of the curve (1-D), surface (2-D), or hypersurface (n-D).Browse the Mathworks File Exchange examples



by Jan

A faster FILTER and FILTFILT: Speedup factor 2.5 to 25

uTest_FiltFiltM to check validity and speed.Tested: Matlab 6.5, 7.7, 7.8, WinXP, 32bit Compiler: LCC2.4/3.8, BCC5.5, OWC1.8, MSVC2008Assumed Compatibility: higher Matlab versions, Mac, Linux, 64bitThis is

Modeling Using Artificial Neural Network

concrete columns confined with FRP.Compressive-strengthVerision 2.2.1: Net--3/2

In this repository, we implemented and trained the SciNet network described in arXiv:1807.10300v3.

project Scinet.prj(optional) run "Read instructions" from project shortcuts panelMathWorks Products (http://www.mathworks.com)Requires MATLAB release R2019b or newerDeep Learning Toolbox™Getting StartedRun

MATLAB examples for use with PicoLog 1000 Series data loggers.



Version 1.0.3

by Darion Toutant

A speedy EDF+ reader that also accommodates putting sections of the data record into memory.

] = MemReadEDF(EDFfile, 'time', [0 60], 'channels', [1:12], 'annotations') Currently there are 3 optional parameters provided for reading information from the EDF+ file. The 'time' and 'channels


Version 1.0.5

by JaeHyeok Park

Efficient calculation of combination or binomial coefficient, without direct calculating factorials.

below)https://kr.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/105320-nck?tab=discussions#discussions_2429840usage:>> nck(7,5)21Inspired by python reduce implementationmodified using better alrorithm

3D convertor from Matlab to SketchUp, permits to create visualization for debugging purposes, data analysis and results rendering.

A simple code for Economic Load Dispatch using Optimization Functions available in MATLAB or GNU Octave.

SimPowerSystems model of the 41-bus Western North American Power Grid

Supplemental Control for Enhancing Primary Frequency Response of DFIG-based Wind Farm

This file contains the MATLAB code for generation of DSBSC signal.


Version 1.0.0

by Ethan Kubatko

Generates Legendre polynomials in MATLAB® polynomial form

Some tools for geostatistical analysis

Perform the Fourier transform based autocorrelation of grayscale frames to measure the speckle size. Also work with stacks of images

also https://mlphotonics.wordpress.com/

Label contours along a curve in MATLAB

Thresholding and Regularization Techniques for Image Denoising

TRT_FilterThresholding and Regularization Techniques for Image DenoisingGUI requires MATLAB 2021bCite the paper:Nguyen N. Hien, Dang N.H. Thanh, Ugur Erkan, Joao M.R.S. Tavares. “Image Noise Removal

Bayesian lasso, horseshoe and horseshoe+ linear, logistic regression and count regression

This is a Simulink project to provide the values of pressure and flow in the human circulatory system with electric circuits components.

vessels in [1] and further discussed in [3]. We use the model for the heart following the mathematical model in [2].The electric parameters for the resistors, inductors, and capacitors are specified in the

An Introduction to Sliding mode Control:Basics

https://youtu.be/e-wzvbYwWN8https://youtu.be/VNB_SyAvB68https://youtu.be/vZIcVabXysgAdaptive Sliding-Mode Control for Boost DC–DC Converters: MATLAB Implementationhttps://youtu.be/u2nr0O2aitcA High-Speed Sliding-Mode Observer for the Sensorless Speed Control of a


Version 2.12.1

by Antonio

Fast Iterative Filtering

Fast Iterative Filtering for the decompostion of non-stationary signals [1,2,3].Please refer to "Example_v8.m" and "Example_real_life_v6.m" for examples of how to use the code.It is based on FFT



by Blaine Rister

3D SIFT keypoints and feature descriptors, image registration, and I/O for DICOM, NIFTI.

, see:https://github.com/bbrister/SIFT3D/releases

This app detect the virus using ML technique !

Panic Simulator


by Julian

Simulates panic behaviour in modifiable rooms with one exit



by Jari Repo

Finds the feasible region from a set of constant, linear and nonlinear inequalities

Piecewise linear feasible regionFinds the piecewise linear feasible region from a set of constraints functions (inequalities) derived within the actual problem domain. y 'sign' f1(x) y 'sign

业务范围包括但不限于,生物/地震/机械/振动/声音/语音等多种领域中的信号处理问题。(最新文章源码以及c或者python版本,可联系, 手机号:15064155055 微信号:yg694722435 邮箱:yugang2010@163.com

Demo that shows how to use auto-encoders to detect anomalies in sensor data

Identifies 2D vortices using Gamma 1 from Graftieaux

multiple vortex cores.Write-up of the details on https://zigunov.com/2019/07/08/finding-vortex-cores-with-gamma-1/Hope it was useful!-FZ

Open Source Simulation Package for MATLAB

Gui for visualizing A = U*S*V'

An image inpainting method presented in SigComTel 2019

Please cite the following paper:D. N. H. Thanh, N. Van Son and V. B. S. Prasath, "Distorted Image Reconstruction Method with Trimmed Median," 2019 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in



by Guillaume Erny

Matlab toolbox for separation techniques hyphenated high resolution mass spectrometry

. Tutorials and detailed explanations can be found at https://finneeblog.wordpress.com/.# Finnee v3.1This is the final version for Finnee; it has been replaced by a new toolbox, Finnee2016, that make use of

A collection of snippets that exemplify the proper implementation of conservative high-order compact-schemes.

extremely versatile implementation of conservative compact schemes is possible thanks to three ingredients:1. A Taylor Table algorithm (see: Easy build compact schemes).2. An ingenious spare technique to

Reconstruct a set of points from their image projections

Set of functions for receiving mail feedback from Matlab

Set of functions for receiving mail feedback from Matlab.1) sendstatus(to,verbose) sends the exit status of a script/function to the mail addresses specified in to. In case of failure the function

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