
Adds a linked second x axis to a plot
Updated 13 Sep 2006

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This function will add a second x axis to a plot with the top ticks at arbitrary positions (you are not limited to the bottom tick positions). The new axis is created behind the original axis, and the two axes are linked together. This gives a much more intuitive behaviour, for example clicking in the figure window will select the original axis. It also alows you to drag the plot around, resize the limits and change between a log/linear scale without having to update the dummy axis manually.

Cite As

Tim Richards (2025). LinkTopAxisData (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R14SP3
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

Inspired by: Add top X-axis with different scale

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Version Published Release Notes

I have changed the example to define T and E before they are used.

I have also added a screenshot.