Need help modifying program to run faster

2 views (last 30 days)
Chris on 2 Oct 2013
Commented: Jan on 2 Oct 2013
Hi, I've developed the following program and sub-program that essentially helps me with fitting data to a specified logistic function and analyzing the returned regression coefficients and their corresponding standard errors. The problem is that the program takes a very long time to run when larger data sets are used. I've tried to make the program faster in everyway I know how (i.e. matrix pre-allocation, function handles, etc.) but with my limited knowledge of Matlab I don't know what else I can do to speed things up. Are there any modifications that I can make to the main program or the sub-program that would help speed it up? Also, since the program spends most of its time running through the sub-program 'nlinfit' in the for-loop, does anyone have any ideas of how I could fit the data to the logistic function on my own istead of using nlinfit? - Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
if true
% code
% Gaussian_Beam_C_Coefficient_analysis.m
% 1.) Reads in a set of data points from a user-specified Excel file
% 2.) Fits the data to a nonlinear logistic model and computes the
% the regression coefficients by using a nonlinear least-squares
% regression method in the function nlinfit.m
% 3.) Computes the standard error for the regression coefficients
% by using the function StdErrFunc.m, a modified version of
% the function nlparci.m
% 4.) Uses the function nchoosek.m to compute all possible
% combinations with four points from the data set, fits each
% combination to the same nonlinear logistic model, and computes
% the regression coefficients and their corresponding standard
% errors for each combination.
% 5.) Writes the specified data to an Excel file
% Input:
% Data - Matrix of data points from Excel file
% [cc,rc] - Column count and row count of data matrix
% n_o_p - Number of points in each combination
% n_o_c - Number of combinations possible in the data set
% xD - Column of x-values from matrix 'Data'
% yD - Column of y-values from matrix 'Data'
% x1 - Row of x-values
% IRCP - Initial regression coefficient predictions
% CI - Confidence interval
% Computations:
% LM1 - Logistic model
% Form: 1/(RC(1)+RC(2)*e^(-RC(3)*x))
% Regression coefficients: RC(1) = A
% RC(2) = B
% RC(3) = C
% [RC,R,J] - Parameters of logistic model
% RC = Regression coefficients
% R = Residuals
% J = Jacobian of specified logistic model
% se1 - Standard error values of regression coefficients
% iA - Initial value of A-coefficient
% iAse - Initial standard error of A-coefficient
% iB - Initial value of B-coefficient
% iBse - Initial standard error of B-coefficient
% iC - Initial value of C-coefficient
% iCse - Initial standard error of C-coefficient
% xD_combs - All possible combinations of x-values from the data set
% yD_combs - All possible combinations of y-values from the data set
% n - number of loops
% M - Matrix that contains the x- and y- values of the nth
% combination
% xM - Column of x-values from matrix 'M'
% yM - Column of y-values from matrix 'M'
% x2 - Row of x-values from matrix 'M'
% se2 - Standard error values of regression coefficients of
% nth combination
% A - A-coefficient of nth combination
% Ase - Standard error of A-coefficient of nth combination
% B - B-coefficient of nth combination
% Bse - Standard error of B-coefficient of nth combination
% C - C-coefficient of nth combination
% Cse - Standard error of C-coefficient of nth combination
% MM - Matrix containing recomputed parameters of C-coefficient
% Output:
% Writes the data contained in matrix MM to a specified Excel file.
% Written by: Christopher Thomas Collinsworth
% Written on: September 15, 2013
%%Clear variables and command window
clear all
close all
%%Read in Excel data----------------------------------------------------------------
Data = xlsread('GBD.xlsx');
[rc,cc] = size(Data);
n_o_p = 4; % User defined
n_o_c = nchoosek(rc,n_o_p);
xD = Data(:,1);
yD = Data(:,2);
x1 = xD';
IRCP = [0.019 221.8 3.8]';
CI = 0.05;
%%Calculate initial parameters------------------------------------------------------
LM1 = @(RC,xD)(1./(RC(1)+RC(2)*exp(-RC(3)*x1)))'; % function handle
[RC,R,J] = nlinfit(xD,yD,LM1,IRCP); % fits data to model
se1 = StdErrFunc(RC,R,'jacobian',J,'alpha',CI); % computes standard error
iA = RC(1,1);
iAse = se1(1,1);
iB = RC(2,1);
iBse = se1(2,1);
iC = RC(3,1);
iCse = se1(3,1);
xD_combs = nchoosek(xD(1:rc),n_o_p)';
yD_combs = nchoosek(yD(1:rc),n_o_p)';
MM = zeros(n_o_c,7); % Matrix pre-allocation
for n = 1:1:n_o_c
M = [xD_combs(1:n_o_p,n) yD_combs(1:n_o_p,n)];
xM = M(:,1);
yM = M(:,2);
x2 = xM';
LM2 = @(RC,xM)(1./(RC(1)+RC(2)*exp(-RC(3)*x2)))'; % function handle
[RC] = nlinfit(xM,yM,LM2,IRCP,CI); % fits data to model
se2 = StdErrFunc(RC,R,'jacobian',J,'alpha',CI); % computes standard error
A = RC(1,1);
Ase = se2(1,1);
B = RC(2,1);
Bse = se2(2,1);
C = RC(3,1);
Cse = se2(3,1);
MM(n,:) = [n A Ase B Bse C Cse];
end %for
%%Write data to Excel file----------------------------------------------------------
if true
% code
%==== StdErrFunc ====
function se = StdErrFunc(beta,resid,varargin)
J = [];
alpha = 0.05;
if nargin>=3 && ischar(varargin{1})
% Calling sequence with named arguments
okargs = {'jacobian' 'covariance' 'alpha'};
defaults = {[] [] 0.05};
[J, Sigma, alpha] = internal.stats.parseArgs(okargs,defaults,varargin{:});
% Remove missing values.
resid = resid(:);
n = length(resid);
p = numel(beta);
v = n-p;
[~,R] = qr(J,0);
Rinv = R\eye(size(R));
diag_info = sum(Rinv.*Rinv,2);
rmse = norm(resid) / sqrt(v);
se = sqrt(diag_info) * rmse;
  1 Comment
Jan on 2 Oct 2013
As usual: No, the action performed by clear all are not correctly described by "clear variables". This removes all loaded M- and MEX-files from the memory also and reloading can waste seconds. In addition all breakpoints of the debugger are removed and everything, which impedes debugging in general is a really bad idea. Perhaps you mean clear variables, which is less brute.

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