Add new distance function to NCTool

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Ali Ml
Ali Ml on 19 Aug 2013
How can I have add the jaccard distance measure in nctool I have added Jacdist.m file to the following path
Jacdist.m source code
function d = jacdist(pos) %JACCARD Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here fn = mfilename; if (nargin < 1), error('NNET:Arguments','Not enough arguments.'); end if ischar(pos) switch(pos) case 'name' d = 'Jaccard Distance'; otherwise, error('NNET:Arguments',['Unrecognized code: ''' pos '''']) end return end
[dims,s] = size(pos);
d = zeros(s,s);
for i=1:s
for j=1:(i-1)
d(i,j) = pdist([pos(:,i) pos(:,j)],'jaccard');
d = min(d(i,:));
Then added new distance function name to newsom.m (if nargin < 4, dfcn = 'jacdist'; end) at following path
But clustering is not performed correctly, for simple cluster dataset

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