Calculating Signal to Noise ratio of UWB channel Impulse Response

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I need to calculate SNR of a UWB channel (From the channel Impulse response got from experiment data).
Does anyone know how to calculate it or has a matlab code regarding SNR calculation of wireless channel ??
Rahul Gulia
Rahul Gulia on 7 Jul 2020
I am actually stuck at the same problem. I was also looking to find a relation between channel impulse response and SNR, to find its dependence on the distance between transmitter and receiver.
I have read a lot of research papers to find a solution. But i could not find anything useful.
The closest i could get was that we can find Power delay profile from the channel impulse response, from which we can get the RMS delay spread, mean excess delay and total excess delay.
Please let me know if anyone finds a answer to this.
Meghashree Srikantaiah Manjesh
Hey Rahul,
I was dealing with same problem. Did you find a solution ? Would you be please willing to share ?
Thanks in advance.

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