plot transperant 3d sphere

54 views (last 30 days)
Dorrit on 6 May 2011
How do I plot a transperant sphere within an existing 3d plot in which I already have ploted some analytical results?
the sphere need to have center in: x=16,55 y=14,85 z=9,15 and r=24,04
the x-axe has dobbelt unit compaired with y and z.
schal I use sphere or scatter3?
reguards Dorrit

Accepted Answer

Dorrit on 10 May 2011
I want the grid lines but no color betwin the grid, because i have som point plotted that i wand to see insiden the sphere.
Dorrit on 10 May 2011
pleas give me a chance to learn how this site works before you juds me.
I just got the program and have never worked with it before and my english is not very good.
I,m more use to use Wolfram Matematica
Andrew Newell
Andrew Newell on 12 May 2011
I quite understand how easy it is to click the wrong Accept This Answer button, so I'm not judging. I would recommend, however, that you vote for the good answers below.

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More Answers (3)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 6 May 2011
One way:
Make a binary sphere using the formula for a sphere:
Then take calculate its isosurface using the isosurface function and make a patch of that with a low facealpha. E.g:
S = formula_for_a_sphere_applied;
[fv] = isosurface(S,0);

Andrew Newell
Andrew Newell on 9 May 2011
As you suggested yourself, you can use sphere to generate the sphere:
r = 24.04;
[x,y,z] = sphere(50);
x0 = 16.5; y0 = 14.85; z0 = 9.15;
x = x*r + x0;
y = y*r + y0;
z = z*r + z0;
% Then you can use a surface command as Patrick suggests:
lightGrey = 0.8*[1 1 1]; % It looks better if the lines are lighter
surface(x,y,z,'FaceColor', 'none','EdgeColor',lightGrey)
hold on
I'm in an artistic mood, so here is a ring of spheres inside.
r = 15;
theta = (0:.2:6)/3*pi;
x = r*cos(theta) + x0;
y = r*sin(theta) + y0;
z = z0*ones(size(x));
I = 1:5:26;
h = plot3(x(I),y(I),z(I),'o','MarkerFaceColor','b','MarkerSize',24);
axis equal % so the sphere isn't distorted
view([1 1 0.75]) % adjust the viewing angle

Patrick Kalita
Patrick Kalita on 9 May 2011
The best way to do this is to just use the surface command, given that it is relatively easy to generate the x, y, and z data that define a sphere.
Here's an example:
% Generate the x, y, and z data for the sphere
r = 5 * ones(50, 50); % radius is 5
[th, phi] = meshgrid(linspace(0, 2*pi, 50), linspace(-pi, pi, 50));
[x,y,z] = sph2cart(th, phi, r);
x = x + 16; % center at 16 in x-direction
y = y + 40; % center at 40 in y-direction
z = z + 2; % center at 2 in z-direction
% Let's say that this is how we make the existing 3D plot
% Now we use the surface command to add the sphere. We just need to set the FaceColor as desired.
surface(x,y,z,'FaceColor', 'none')

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