How to correct y axis label mirroring problem in Mac OS X.

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The Y label appears as a mirror image in figures. I am running 64-bit Matlab R2012b ( in Mac OS X Version 10.8.3. I have seen some forums about similar problems with older versions but I haven't seen any discussion of it in more recent versions. Any help would be appreciated - thank you. Code for the figure pasted below.
% Create figure for permeability dispersion
figure3 = figure('Color',[1 1 1],'Position',[1 51 640 450],'PaperPositionMode','Auto','Visible','on');
% Create axes
'XLim',[min(lambda_0)*1e9 max(lambda_0)*1e9],...
% Create real part of simulated plot
plot(lambda_0.*1e9,real(mu_sim),'MarkerSize',20,'Marker','.','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',2,'Color',[1 0 0]);
% Create imag part of simulated plot
plot(lambda_0.*1e9,imag(mu_sim),'MarkerSize',20,'Marker','.','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',2,'Color',[0 0 1]);
% Create xlabel
xlabel('Wavelength [nm]','FontWeight','bold','FontSize',18,...
% Create ylabel
ylabel('Relative Permeability (\mu)','FontWeight','bold','FontSize',18,...
% Create legend
legend('{\mu}_{real} (COMSOL)','{\mu}_{imag} (COMSOL)','location','Best');

Accepted Answer

Brent on 28 Mar 2013
Thank you for looking into this bug. The values in the plot do not affect the y label. But your answer made me realize that I was running Matlab through a LiveLink with another software, COMSOL Multiphysics. When I make the plot directly in Matlab, as opposed to the LiveLink, the problem does not appear just as you say. So the bug must be in the COMSOL LiveLink and not Matlab itself. Thanks again!

More Answers (1)

the cyclist
the cyclist on 28 Mar 2013
I have Mac OS X 10.8.3, and I did not see anything unusual, in either MATLAB 2012b or 2013a.
[I had to put in my own values for lambda_0 and mu_sim. Could it be that the bug is specific to that?]

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