How you compute a p-value from fitted curve using fit

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How you compute a p-value from fitted curve using the fit function. I get info like the r^2 within the goodness output, but not the p-value.
For example
X = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]'
Y = [0,1,8,23,64,125,206,343,522,729,1100]'
fo = fitoptions('method','NonlinearLeastSquares','Robust','LAR','Lower',-[inf inf],'Upper',[inf inf],'MaxFunEvals',50000);
fty = fittype('B*x^C');
st_ = [1 1];
[gfit, goodness] = fit(X,Y,fty,fo)

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