How to solve simultaneous equations?

4 views (last 30 days)
Fred on 24 Apr 2011
Hello, I would like to solve simultaneously the following system of 2 equations for S and T: (fyi, these equations are an application of the Merton model for credit risk)
The first equation is:
P = N(d1) - (1-P)*exp(r*T)*N(d2)
where N(d1) and N(d2) are the cumulative normal function (cdfnorm) as in Black & Scholes with
d1 = (-ln(1-P)-(r-S^2/2)*T)/(S*sqrt(T))
d2 = d1 - S*sqrt(T)
The second equation is:
E = S*N(d1)/P
Is there a way in matlab to find values for S and T (volatility and maturity) that are consistent with the parameter P, E, and r (respectively, the leverage, the volatility of equity and the interest rate) that are known parameters (for instance, P=0.7, E=0.3, and r=0.03)?
Thank you very much for your help!
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bym on 24 Apr 2011
do you have the symbolic toolbox and/or statistic toolbox

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Answers (4)

bym on 24 Apr 2011
I tried
P = .7; E = .3; r = .03;
syms S T real
d1 = (-1*log(1-P)-(r-S^2/2)*T)/(S*sqrt(T));
d2 = d1 - S*sqrt(T);
N1 = 1/2*(1+erf(d1/sqrt(2))); %your N(d1)
N2 = 1/2*(1+erf(d2/sqrt(2))); %your N(d2)
sol = solve(S*N1/(N1-(1-P)*exp(r*T)*N2)-E);
with the following result
Warning: Explicit solution could not be found.
Looks like it needs to be solved numerically w/ fzero. Don't have time tonight, maybe tomorrow
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andreas patsikos
andreas patsikos on 14 Nov 2011
i have the same problem!!!i want EDF???
DO u know the matlab code for EDF?

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Apr 2011
Using Andrew's code as a base, I found an expression for S in terms of T, but solving for T in terms of S was not feasible in the time I spent.
I am currently running a plot over T from 0 to 1000, and it is taking a fair bit of time. The expression for S pretty much has to be solved numerically. Ummm, long enough that I quit out of the plot and now am seeing if I can find a more tractable expression for S.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Apr 2011
I worked with the symbolic solution, but the amount of time it takes to come up with any given answer doesn't make it feasible.
You are better off taking S*N1/(N1-(1-P)*exp(r*T)*N2)-E and substituting your T and asking for a numeric solution with a guess of S=0.2 . For sufficiently large T, S rises approximately linearly.
Question: does a negative S make sense? For a range of maturities (up to roughly 10 with the given parameters) there are two real solutions, one negative and one positive.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Apr 2011
Follow up: with the given parameters, it appears for any given negative S below a certain value, there is a corresponding T such that the pair form a solution. The T is close to being linear in log(S) for sufficiently large (magnitude) of S. With the given parameters, the boundary limit for existence is somewhere between -1/100 (exists) and -1/1000000 (does not)

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Fred on 25 Apr 2011
Looks more complicated than I thought. To answer your question, a negative S would not make sense as it represents a volatility. A typical value would be between 0.1 to 0.3 (but it will always be lower than E which is 0.3 in our example).
In order to assure a starting point for which the numerical method will quickly yield a solution, would it be possible to solve the equations separately for S for a few fixed values of T? Then we can use the intersection of the solution curves S(T)as a starting point for the system of equations.
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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Apr 2011
It turns out that as the time gets longer, more significant digits are required in order to get an answer that is not numeric nonsense. In some cases I needed more than 50 digits. (I might have found a transformation that reduces that requirement.)
What time scales are being considered?
For the particular example parameters given earlier, here are the S values corresponding to T=1:60 :
[.2072590928183311, .2044393299409702, .2016129607336800, .1989365188764057, .1965116411993847, .1943628414410152, .1924755755786901, .1908221440403525, .1893731280492593, .1881015672429913, .1869840994556714, .1860009411324904, .1851354816011146, .1843737955734661, .1837041854608264, .1831167873386968, .1826032442154253, .1821564396382651, .1817702819421725, .1814395297312950, .1811596504570243, .1809267054062888, .1807372557388538, .1805882853256427, .1804771370389273, .1804014598566101, .1803591647003469, .1803483873624612, .1803674572161160, .1804148706684868, .1804892685245436, .1805894165925309, .1807141889913439, .1808625537224179, .1810335601503601, .1812263281018650, .1814400383449575, .1816739242529594, .1819272644918681, .1821993765976739, .1824896113327941, .1827973477292435, .1831219887411948, .1834629574418072, .1838196937091338, .1841916513539489, .1845782956487980, .1849791012227362, .1853935502903118, .1858211311865575, .1862613371822442, .1867136655555605, .1871776168978373, .1876526946320406, .1881384047236041, .1886342555638410, .1891397580067379, .1896544255404400, .1901777745752472, .1907093248304763]
This is almost quadratic looking.
I decided to have a look to see how sensitive the solution is to the other parameters. The first one I looked at was P, but for whatever reason, the symbolic package I was using was unable to isolate S for a symbolic P.
The second one I tried was "r" -- and it turns out the solution is very sensitive to r.
Below, I have used NaN to indicate there is no (real-valued) solution.
Over r=0:0.0025:0.1, with T=25, S is
[.2367869077192663, .2334774001956742, .2299868419834384, .2263010809075183, .2224039543449438, .2182768445411721, .2138980991245670, .2092422631355814, .2042790415947689, .1989718669475625, .1932758698934157, .1871349179656345, .1804771370389273, .1732078401278894, .1651977495076567, .1562619958566648, .1461191355663390, .1343004223448158, .1199064674372540, .1006878125253988, 0.3419789628568295e-1, NaN, 0.8831092249680447e-3, 0.5260340496896748e-3, 0.1079583955841704e-2, 0.1788956732959545e-2, 0.2287174855937050e-2, 0.4388587665304212e-2, 0.1379940252933243e-2, 0.6399063398417710e-3, 0.2419694982600019e-2, 0.1031180824683200e-2, 0.1583211803026529e-2, 0.4178098067335098e-2, 0.2577486078312967e-2, 0.1556143097211814e-2, 0.5175808895800029e-2, 0.4113080725843936e-2, 0.6998707813988716e-2, 0.5442013674273168e-2, 0.4215142482463095e-2]
Zeroing in, over r=0.0475:.0001:0.0550, S is
[.1006878125253988, 0.9974259341536431e-1, 0.9877724005446151e-1, 0.9779052860862733e-1, 0.9678110540419658e-1, 0.9574746677162544e-1, 0.9468793467747240e-1, 0.9360062701619107e-1, 0.9248342105753623e-1, 0.9133390801740799e-1, 0.9014933596584605e-1, 0.8892653718916388e-1, 0.8766183449599609e-1, 0.8635091848826506e-1, 0.8498868397759661e-1, 0.8356900758188733e-1, 0.8208443837911595e-1, 0.8052575607154917e-1, 0.7888131990197861e-1, 0.7713607271755982e-1, 0.7526994658544382e-1, 0.7325516120267416e-1, 0.7105129925951827e-1, 0.6859540577945885e-1, 0.6577910566449783e-1, 0.3419789628568295e-1, 0.3893049485913096e-1, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, 0.1843937661456162e-3, NaN, 0.1275394361371588e-3, NaN, NaN, NaN, 0.2239007614006089e-3, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, 0.3999523364767706e-3, NaN, NaN, NaN, 0.7500544155135456e-3, NaN, 0.8716666575457631e-3, NaN, 0.7348839946741266e-3, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, 0.2960633693250945e-3, NaN, NaN, 0.1944568319446463e-3, NaN, NaN, 0.8734373143513995e-3, 0.4175360507625134e-3, 0.5940891524851323e-3, 0.1103532033792065e-2, 0.7104593149570572e-4, 0.2998481217286259e-3, 0.3305483919817678e-3, 0.1136433557052380e-2, 0.6861591898190689e-3, 0.1023329090028364e-2, 0.1434638051142099e-2, 0.1347607839143373e-2, 0.8831092249680447e-3]
Yes, there is a big drop from 0.0499 to 0.0500, and Yes, 0.0501 is slightly higher -- but then there is a gap of values and then a mix of values that exist and that do not.
As I was using a symbolic math package, the exact values at which problems occurred likely depended upon exactly what the decimal r value got reduced to as a fraction.

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J. on 16 Dec 2011
Send me an e-mail and I will send you an m-file for it.

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