I have created a function lpf which uses fdesign.lowpass,design and filter functions.Then builded a C++ Dll to call this lpf function from VC++.Function is returning zero everytime in an array of size 100.I have pasted the code for description

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MAT LAB Version (R14)
Data passed(100 values) to function lpf and lpf1.
Other Parameters passed are
Order n = 2
CutOff frq fc = 3
Sampling Rate s = 20
I am Using lpf function as following
function z=lpf(x,n,fc,s)
hl = fdesign.lowpass('N,Fc', n, fc, s);
Hdl = design(hl, 'butter');
It is executing fine from matlab command window.Now i builded dll to use it in VC++ and then called from Vc++,function is returning always zero in an array.
To crosscheck I used lpf1 function as following
function y=lpf1(x)
b=[1 2 1];
a=[ 1 -0 0.17157287525381];
This function executed fine in matlab command window.Then i builded dll to use it in VC++,I got the desired result with filtered values in an array.
So my question is why lpf is not working but lpf1 is working when calling both functions from VC++ after building dll in matlab.
What is the reason that lpf is returning always zero in an array in VC++ but filtered or desired output in matlab command window.

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