Version of inputname to call outside of a function?

1 view (last 30 days)
Essentially, I'm looking for a way to get the names of inputs to a function. I know you can get the number with nargin...
I'm writing a testing framework, so i want to be able to provide the name of the function to the framework and have it prompt the user for test values.
Lena on 5 Nov 2018
Edited: Lena on 5 Nov 2018
I want to be able to prompt the user, i.e.
1) I call testfunc.m('function_to_test')
2) it finds function_to_test.m in the directory
3) i get the names of arguments to function_to_test
4) val = input('user please input %s, 'string_from_step_3')
5) run function_to_test(val)
Stephen23 on 6 Nov 2018
The names that are used for input/output arguments when a function is called are totally unrelated to the names that are used in the function's internal workspace, and it would be a pointlessly slow process to try and find them out. Such introspective programming is not efficient.

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Answers (2)

TADA on 5 Nov 2018
Edited: TADA on 5 Nov 2018
If this is a method in a class you can use metaclass.
If it's a function I don't think there's a builtin way to inspect it like that, however for anonymous functions you can parse the function using func2str and with .m files you can parse the file itself
function [args, status] = inspectArgs(foo)
% This function takes in a function handle and finds its decleration
% with .m file functions and scoped functions, the declaration is found
% within the .m file
% with anonymous functions, the decleration is found using func2str
status = 'ok';
% Get function content for anonymous functions and function name for
% .m file functions
fullFuncName = func2str(foo);
match = regexp(fullFuncName, '^@\((?<args>[^\)]*\).*', 'names');
if ~isempty(match)
% anonymous functions
args = regexp(match.args, '\s*,\s*', 'split');
path = which(fullFuncName);
declerationPostfix = '';
if exist(fullFuncName, 'builtin')
% builtin functions
tok = regexp(path, '\((?<fname>.*)\)','names');
path = tok.fname;
if length(path) < 3 || ~endsWith(path, '.m', 'IgnoreCase', true)
path = [path '.m'];
% Builtin functions .m files may have a function declerations
% without the function keyword
declerationPostfix = '?';
elseif isempty(path)
% Scoped functions
info = functions(foo);
if ~isempty(info.file)
path = info.file;
status = 'file not found';
args = {};
% truncate namespaces
dotIndex = find(fullFuncName == '.', 1, 'last');
if isempty(dotIndex)
funcName = fullFuncName;
funcName = fullFuncName(dotIndex+1:end);
% Read .m file
fid = fopen(path, 'r');
text = fread(fid, '*char')';
% find function decleration
match = regexpi(text, ['(function\s*(\[?[\w\,\s]*\]?\s*=)?\s*)' declerationPostfix funcName '\([^\)]*\)'], 'match', 'once');
if isempty(match)
args = {};
status = 'parse error';
% Find foo(args)
match2 = regexpi(match, [funcName '\([^\)]*\)'], 'match', 'once');
% crop only the args part
argString = strtrim(match2(length(funcName)+2:end-1));
if isempty(argString)
args = {};
args = regexp(argString, '\s*,\s*', 'split');

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 6 Nov 2018
Edited: Walter Roberson on 6 Nov 2018


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