Globe position and Resize Problem Stem3m

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Trevor on 3 May 2012
Hi, I am trying to plot a few different maps of the globe with data using the stem3m function. My problem lies in the re-sizing of the figures/axes between images.
When I make a movie out of the generated figures, the globe seems to be 'moving' around. It does not stay at the center of the movie due to the re-sizing of the image as the stem3m data changes.
How can I 'lock' the globe's center as the center of the figure, regardless of what the stem3m's data is, and keep the zoom constant?
Thank you so much for your help! and if anyone needs clarification please let me know!
Here is my code for generating the image hFig = figure;%('Resize', 'off');
gridm('GLineStyle','-','Gcolor',[.8 .7 .6],'Galtitude', .02)
stem3m(latm,longm,data(:,i), 'go-', 'LineWidth', 3)%,'k');
base = zeros(180,360);
baseR = makerefmat('RasterSize', size(base), ...
'Latlim',[-90 90],'Lonlim',[0 360]);
hs = meshm(base,baseR,size(base));
colormap cool
axis off;

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