Trying to solve PDE using Finite Differential Method

2 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to solve the follwing equations using the finite differential method. I got partway through but it seems to be outputting zero for x, y, and z. Can I get help on what is going wrong?
% Define parameters
r = 1.3;
K = 700;
a = 0.2;
w = 0.53;
c = 0.001;
b = 0.015;
g = 1;
s = 0.7;
f = 1;
d1 = 0.01;
d2 = 0.03;
d3 = 0.000;
% Define grid and step sizes
N = 100; % Number of grid points
L = 10; % Length of the domain
dl = L / N;
l = linspace(0, L, N);
% Initial conditions
x0 = zeros(1, N);
y0 = zeros(1, N);
z0 = zeros(1, N);
% Solve the PDEs using finite differences
for t = 1:100 % Time steps
% Calculate second derivatives using finite differences
d2xdl2 = (circshift(x0, -1) - 2 * x0 + circshift(x0, 1)) / dl^2;
d2ydl2 = (circshift(y0, -1) - 2 * y0 + circshift(y0, 1)) / dl^2;
d2zdl2 = (circshift(z0, -1) - 2 * z0 + circshift(z0, 1)) / dl^2;
% Updating x, y, z using the PDEs
dxdt = d1 * d2xdl2 + r * x0 .* (1 - x0 / K) - a * x0 - w * x0;
dydt = d2 * d2ydl2 + g * w * x0 - c * y0 - b * y0 .* z0;
dzdt = d3 * d2zdl2 + f * b * y0 .* z0 - s * z0;
% Time integration using forward Euler's method
x = x0 + dl^2 * dxdt;
y = y0 + dl^2 * dydt;
z = z0 + dl^2 * dzdt;
% Update for the next time step
x0 = x;
y0 = y;
z0 = z;
% Plot the solutions
subplot(3, 1, 1);
plot(l, x);
title('Solution for x');
subplot(3, 1, 2);
plot(l, y);
title('Solution for y');
subplot(3, 1, 3);
plot(l, z);
title('Solution for z');

Answers (1)

Torsten on 15 Dec 2023
Moved: Torsten on 15 Dec 2023
What are your boundary conditions for x, y and z at l = 0 and l = L ?
In your code, you seem to use initial conditions and boundary conditions equal to 0 for x, y and z. So the solution x = y = z = 0 for all l and all t is correct.
Torsten on 16 Dec 2023
Edited: Torsten on 16 Dec 2023
You can check using MATLAB's "pdepe".
I think "circshift" is only the correct tool to build the second-order derivatives from the z-vector if the boundary condition is a periodic one. Is this the case for your problem ?
And in the code above, you neglect diffusion for x and y ?

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