Need help for Extracting periodic pattern that is vaguely visible in image using Matlab

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I need some help extracting the cross-mesh periodic pattern of the _ i.tiff _ image that I've attached. In short, I need the o.tiff as my output image by applying operations on the input image. Below is the code which I tried but I am not even close to output. Let me summarize the process which I tried to implement:
Read the image
Apply FFT
Apply Butterworth filter
Apply IFFT
Please help me what changes I have to make in my code to get my desired output (i.e. o.tiff)
Input image:
Desired Output image:
[img,map] = imread('i.tif');
title('Original Image');
% Store the original image as an array.
img = img(:,:,1);
% Perform the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on the Image
imgfft = fft2(img);
% Next, I create a Butterworth Low-Pass Filter.
% Note: c is a constant
% X is the size of the dimension of array X
% Y is the size of the dimension of array Y
c = 2;
X = size(imgfft, 1);
Y = size(imgfft, 2);
% A returns an array of ones in X and Y.
A = ones(X,Y);
% 7 unique pixels are used in each array.
XX = [204 182 191 196 214 219 228];
YY = [273 275 267 282 264 279 271];
% L = Max Number of Pixels = 255
L = 255;
for i=1:length(L)
for x = 1:X
for y = 1:Y
%Compute the distance between the points.
Lxy = sqrt((x-XX(i))^2 + (y-YY(i))^2);
A(x,y) = A(x,y) + 1/(1+(Lxy/L(i)^2))^(2*c);
% Next, I apply the Butterworth filter by shifting
% the FFT of the image, and multiplying it by A.
FilterImage = fftshift(imgfft).*A;
title('Image After Shifting by FFT and Multiplying By A');
% Here, I shift back and perform the Inverse FFT
FilterImage2 = ifft2(fftshift(FilterImage));
title('Shifting Back and Performing Inverse FFT');
% Then I resize and display the 'periodicpattern.tif' image
% And compare it to the output Image named 'FilterImage2'.
[img1,map1] = imread('o.tif');
figure('Name','Periodic Pattern Comparison');
subplot(1,2,1), imshow(abs(FilterImage2),[]);
title('Periodic Pattern of Image');
subplot(1,2,2), imshow(img1,map1);

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