Error using mex for C++ on R2014a

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Rien Quirynen
Rien Quirynen on 15 Sep 2014
Edited: Rien Quirynen on 15 Sep 2014
I have an issue with compiling a C++ package using MEX after I switched to MATLAB R2014a on my Windows 7 64-bit system. The problem is that I am not getting any information from the compiler regarding the specific error(s), even when using verbose mode.. this makes it rather impossible for me to even locate the problem.
The result from "mex -setup C++" is the following:
MEX configured to use 'Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 (C++)' for C++ language compilation.
The mex command that is being executed is:
mex -v -O -I. -I'C:\Users\Rien\Dropbox\ACADOstable\interfaces\matlab/bin/include' -I'C:\Users\Rien\Dropbox\ACADOstable\interfaces\matlab/../../include' -I'C:\Users\Rien\Dropbox\ACADOstable\interfaces\matlab/../../external_packages' -I'C:\Users\Rien\Dropbox\ACADOstable\interfaces\matlab/../../external_packages/include' -I'C:\Users\Rien\Dropbox\ACADOstable\interfaces\matlab/../../external_packages/qpOASES-3.0beta/include' -I'C:\Users\Rien\Dropbox\ACADOstable\interfaces\matlab' -DWIN32 -D_cpluplus -D__MATLAB__ -Dsnprintf=_snprintf -Dround=acadoRound -O integrator/ACADOintegrators.cpp 'C:\Users\Rien\Dropbox\ACADOstable\interfaces\matlab\bin/src/acado_io_utils.obj'
... (many, many object files) ...
'C:\Users\Rien\Dropbox\ACADOstable\interfaces\matlab\bin/src/acado_mat_file.obj' -outdir integrator/ -output ACADOintegrators.mexw64_
And the resulting output in the command window reads:
_... link /nologo /manifest /DLL /EXPORT:mexFunction C:\Users\Rien\AppData\Local\Temp\mex_62436292834793_3480\ACADOintegrators.obj C:\Users\Rien\Dropbox\ACADOstable\interfaces\matlab\bin\src\acado_io_utils.obj
... (many, many object files) ...
C:\Users\Rien\Dropbox\ACADOstable\interfaces\matlab\bin\src\simulation_environment.obj /LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014a\extern\lib\win64\microsoft" libmx.lib libmex.lib libmat.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /out:C:\Users\Rien\Dropbox\ACADOstable\interfaces\matlab\integrator\\ACADOintegrators.mexw64 Error using mex_
Everything works perfectly with older versions of MATLAB on the same system, using the exact same compiler. Any hints on how to solve this problem or on how to receive more information from the compiler would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you and best regards,

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