Multiple Spheres in 3D Image rather than plot

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Hey guys,
I've got a script that will plot multiple spheres given an inputted void fraction and number of spheres. I was wondering if there was a way to do this using a binary image rather than the plot function? In addition what would be the easiest way to log-normally distributed the sphere radius so they are not all the same size? I want to progress onto utilising simulated annealing on the bed of spheres. I've attached my file below. Thanks.
% Prompts the user to enter the inputs
V = input('Enter the void fraction: ');
n = input('Enter the number of particles: ');
% Calculates the total volume of all the spheres, the volume of the cube
%required based on given void fraction, the axis length based on cube
%volume and sets up a matrix array of 'n' columns full of random numbers
%and defines x, y, z, as starting coordinates for a sphere
volume_spheres = (4/3)*pi()*n;
volume_cube = volume_spheres/V;
axis_length = volume_cube^(1/3);
N = axis_length*rand(3, n);
axis([0 axis_length 0 axis_length 0 axis_length]);
hold on;
title('Particle Modeling');
xlabel('X Direction');
ylabel('Y Direction');
zlabel('Z Direction');
[x, y, z] = sphere();
% Instigates a for loop which will continue 'n' number of times, this then
%utilises a while loop which will check, by use of the pythagorean theorem,
%whether each sphere will not intersect with another. If they do intersect
%the coordinate will be replaced with a new random coordinate, and checked
for i = 1:n; ii = i;
while i~=1 && ii>1
ii = ii-1;
C1 = N(:,i);
C2 = N(:,ii);
x1 = C1(1);
x2 = C2(1);
y1 = C1(2);
y2 = C2(2);
z1 = C1(3);
z2 = C2(3);
dx = x1-x2;
dy = y1-y2;
dz = z1-z2;
dis = sqrt(dx.^2+dy.^2+dz.^2);
if dis<2;
N(:,i) = axis_length*rand(3,1);
N(:,i) = C1;
N(:,ii) = C2;
points = N(:,i);
xx = points(1);
yy = points(2);
zz = points(3);
surf(x+xx, y+yy, z+zz)
%The script will now plot the cumulative distribution of the array in the %x, y, and z direction. It will also compare it to the thereotical %distribution which is linear.
hold off xcord = N(1,:); ycord = N(2,:); zcord = N(3,:); theox = [0 axis_length]; theoy = [0 1];
figure(2) title('Cumulative Probability Distribution') subplot(1,3,1) hold on cdfplot(xcord) plot(theox, theoy, 'm--') legend('Actual', 'Theoretical','Location','NorthWest') title('X-Direction') xlabel('X') ylabel('F(X)') hold off
subplot(1,3,2) hold on cdfplot(ycord) plot(theox, theoy, 'm--') legend('Actual', 'Theoretical','Location','NorthWest') title('Y-Direction') xlabel('Y') ylabel('F(Y)') hold off
subplot(1,3,3) hold on cdfplot(zcord) plot(theox, theoy, 'm--') legend('Actual', 'Theoretical','Location','NorthWest') title('Z-Direction') xlabel('Z') ylabel('F(Z)') hold off

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