How to store the coordinates of a bounding box in a video?

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Hello. I am working on a project where i use a camera to detect moving objects. Now what i want to do is to create a code in order to save the x and y coordinates of a (moving) bounding box (in all the frames of my video that is visible). I tried the code below but it saves only the last x and y k-times, where k is the number of frames of my video.
while ~isDone(hVidReader) % Stop when end of file is reached
frame = step(hVidReader); % Read input video frame
grayFrame = rgb2gray(frame);
%The optical flow vectors are stored as complex numbers.
ofVectors = step(hOpticalFlow1, grayFrame); % Estimate optical flow
%Compute their magnitude squared which will later be used for thresholding.
y1 = ofVectors .* conj(ofVectors);
% Compute the velocity threshold from the matrix of complex velocities.
vel_th = 0.5 * step(hMean2, step(hMean1, y1));
% Threshold the image and then filter it to remove speckle noise.
segmentedObjects = step(hMedianFilt, y1 >= vel_th);
% Thin-out the parts of the road and fill holes in the blobs.
segmentedObjects = step(hclose, step(herode, segmentedObjects));
% Estimatethe area and bounding box of the blobs.
[area, bbox] = step(hblob, segmentedObjects);
% Select boxes inside ROI.
Idx = (bbox(:,1) > lineRow1 & bbox(:,1) < lineRow2)&(bbox(:,2) > lineColumn1 & bbox(:,2) <
% Based on blob sizes, filter out objects which can not be cars.
% When the ratio between the area of the blob and the area of the
% bounding box is above 0.4 (40%), classify it as a car.
ratio = zeros(length(Idx), 1);
ratio(Idx) = single(area(Idx,1))./single(bbox(Idx,3).*bbox(Idx,4));
ratiob = ratio > 0.4;
count = int32(sum(ratiob)); % Number of cars
bbox(~ratiob, :) = int32(-1);
% Draw bounding boxes around the tracked cars.
y2 = step(hshapeins1, frame, bbox);
% Display the number of cars tracked and white lines showing the ROI.
y2(22:25,250:1097,:) = 1; % The top white line.
y2(230:233,250:1097,:) = 1; % The bottom white line.
y2(25:230,247:250,:) = 1; % The left white line.
y2(25:230,1097:1100,:) = 1; % The right white line.
y2(1:15,1:30,:) = 0; % Background for displaying count
result = step(htextins, y2, count);
for jj = 1 : k
if bbox ~ [];
if bbox(1,1)>0
xbbox(jj) = bbox(1,1);
ybbox(jj) = bbox(1,2);
zz(:,:,jj) = [xcentroid,ycentroid];
xbbox(jj) = 0;
ybbox(jj) =0;
zz(:,:,jj) = 0;
% Generate coordinates for plotting motion vectors.
if firstTime
[R , C] = size(ofVectors); % Height and width in pixels
RV = borderOffset:decimFactorRow:(R-borderOffset);
CV = borderOffset:decimFactorCol:(C-borderOffset);
[Y ,X] = meshgrid(CV,RV);
firstTime = false;
% Calculate and draw the motion vectors.
tmp = ofVectors(RV,CV) .* motionVecGain;
lines = [Y(:), X(:), Y(:) + real(tmp(:)), X(:) + imag(tmp(:))];
motionVectors = step(hshapeins2, frame, lines);
% Display the results
step(hVideo4, result); % Video with bounding boxes
The lines i was talking about are: for jj = 1 : k if bbox ~ []; if bbox(1,1)>0 xbbox(jj) = bbox(1,1); ybbox(jj) = bbox(1,2); zz(:,:,jj) = [xcentroid,ycentroid];
xbbox(jj) = 0;
ybbox(jj) =0;
zz(:,:,jj) = 0;
I also tried other things but the outcome was about the same. I don't know if i gave you adequate iinformation, so please ask me anything you want. Thank you all in advance.
Peter Turner
Peter Turner on 8 Sep 2015
Hi! trying to do something similar to you for my uni project, just wondering how you're getting a threshold-ed binary image from the flow vectors? What are 'hmean1' and 'hmean2'? Would really help me a lot
Peter Turner
Peter Turner on 9 Sep 2015
Ok I worked out the binary image stuff....DO you mind elaborating on this though: '% Select boxes inside ROI. Idx = (bbox(:,1) > lineRow1 & bbox(:,1) < lineRow2)&(bbox(:,2) > lineColumn1 & bbox(:,2) < lineColumn2);'
What are linecolumn 1 and 2?

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Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 30 Aug 2014
I'd probably make a cell array, call it caBoxes. It would be numFrames cells long. Each cell of the cell array has one 2D array for x1, x2, y1, and y2 for the four sides of the box for the cars/boxes in that frame. If frame k has N cars in it, then caBoxes{k} would have boundingBox be a N rows by 4 columns double array where the 4 columns define x1, x2, y1, and y2. N might be different from frame to frame, that's why we use a cell array instead of a regular rectangular numerical array. See the FAQ on cell arrays:
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 1 Sep 2014
OK, not sure how you got bbox, but if that's what it gives, then that's what it gives, and you have to deal with it.

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More Answers (1)

Dima Lisin
Dima Lisin on 8 Sep 2014
Hi Nikolaos,
The problem here is that the second output of step(hblob, segmentedObjects) is the centroids, not the bounding boxes. For the bounding boxes, you would have to get the 3rd output:
[area, centroid, bbox] = step(hblob, segmentedObjects);
Now bbox will be an M-by-4 matrix, where each row is of the form [x, y, w, h].
  1 Comment
Nikolaos on 15 Sep 2014
Hello Dima,
I am really sorry for the delay. As you can see below, in hblob definition the "CentroidOutputPort" is set to false , while "AreaOutputPort" and "BoundingBoxOutputPort" are set to true:
hblob = vision.BlobAnalysis('CentroidOutputPort', false, 'AreaOutputPort', true, 'BoundingBoxOutputPort', true, 'OutputDataType', 'double','MinimumBlobArea', 250, 'MaximumBlobArea', 1800, 'MaximumCount', 1);
So (i believe) bbox is the 2nd output and as you correctly wrote is M-by-4 matrix, where each row is of the form [x, y, w, h].

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