Bad results after curve fitting a spectrum to a lorentzian curve.

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I am trying to fit a power spectrum to a custom equation of a Lorentzian form using the curve fitting toolbox. I have used the NonLinearLeastSquares and LinearLeastSquares methods with the same results. If I don't specify starting points the values are far off what it is expected, if I specify starting points (with the NonLinearLeastSquares method) the results are the same starting points. Am I missing something? I have tried even fitting just one variable with no success.
I have attached two variables with the type of signal to fit and below is my code:
if true
%Fitting the curve to a lorentzian curve
f = FitFreq;
Sx = fittype('((1.3806488e-23*300/k)/(pi*Q*fo))/((1-(f/fo)^2)^2+(f/(Q*fo))^2)',...
options = fitoptions('Method','NonlinearLeastSquares');
[fitmodel,goodness,output] = fit(f,FitData,Sx,options);
Qf = fitmodel.Q
kf = fitmodel.k
fof =
FittedTo = ((1.3806488e-23*300/kf)/(pi*Qf*fof))./((1-(f/fof).^2).^2.+(f/(Qf*fof)).^2);
%Plotting of the curves
hold on
plot(FitFreq,FittedTo, 'r','LineWidth',0.5)
ylabel('Magnitude (AU)')
xlabel('frequency (Hz)')
hold off

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