I want to write the region growing algorithm....

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function regrow(x)
f= medfilt2(f); figure,imshow(f)
t=graythresh(f);% finding threshold value if numel(s)==1 si=f==s; s1=s; else si=bwmorph(s,'shrink',Inf);% morphological operations j=find(si); s1=f(j); end ti=false(size(f));% find the contour for k=1:length(s1) sv=s1(k); s=abs(f-sv)<=t; ti=ti|s; end [g nr]=bwlabel(imreconstruct(si,ti));% reconstruct the lable figure,imshow(f1),title('Original Image');% image show as out put figure,imshow(g),title('Segmented Image - Region Growing'); display('No: of regions'); nr %end

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