hi, i'm new, i have some problem this fprintf('Results from optimization In Sample \n',fid); fprintf('fid,tit1'); why this code only show one solution? "filename = junk/MRSGARCH_N.txt Results from optimization In Sample fid,tit1flag1 = 1 "

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% File mrsgarchestfor_con_all.m % File to estimate Markov Regime-Switching GARCH % Written by Juri Marcucci % PhD student in Economics @ % Dept of Economics - UCSD % Constrained optimization: fmincon % The model is an M-state Markov Switching model with GARCH effects % Main references: Gray (1996, Journal of Financial Economics) % Klaassen (2002, Empirical Economics) % Author: Juri Marcucci % Dept. of Economics - UCSD % % Revised version: January 2011 % This program has been tested on new versions of Matlab (2008a, 2009a, 2010a).
clc clear all format compact warning off seconds=clock; %Loading data [y]=textread('coba.txt');
N = size(y,1); T=281 ; % In-Sample dataf =y ; % data to be forecast N = N - 1; clear y; %ERRORS datafm = mean(dataf); %mean of all the sample for the forecast error errors = dataf - datafm; % errors data = dataf(1:T); % In-Sample data % ERRORTYPE -> 1 = NORMAL 2 = t-DF 4 = t 1df 5 = GED 1df % In the following loop, just put 'errortype = [j]', j=(1,2,4,5) to estimate only one model reducing % the computational burden. You can leave it as it is, but it would take around 4/5 days to run everything.
for errortype = [1]; data = dataf(1:T); % In-Sample data % Initialization of the parameters % Starting values % x0(1,1) = a01; x0(2,1) = a02; x0(3,1) = b01; x0(4,1) = b02; x0(5,1) = b11; % x0(6,1) = b12; x0(7,1) = b21; x0(8,1) = b22; x0(9,1) = p; x0(10,1) = q; % x0(11,1) = \nu1; x0(12,1) = \nu2; x0=[1.5*datafm; %a01 .5*datafm; %a02 .0005; %b01 .0002; %b02 .15; %b11 .25; %b12 .6; %b21 .7; %b22 .9; %p .9 %q 4.5; %\nu1 4.5 %\nu2 ]; switch errortype case 1 %Normal x0=x0(1:10,1); case {2,3} % t & GED with 2DoF x0 = x0(1:12,1) ; case {4,5} % t and GED with 1DoF x0 = x0(1:11,1); otherwise error('Variable errortype must be integer in (1,5)') end end original_param = zeros(size(x0,1),N-T+1); VF = []; Loglike = zeros(size(x0,1),N-T+1); Exitflag = zeros(size(x0,1),N-T+1); Parameters = zeros(size(x0,1),N-T+1,11); % Parameters for the conditional mean: a01, a02, i.e. x0(1 through 2) % Parameters for the conditional variance: b01, b02, b11, b12, b21, b22, i.e. x0(3 through 8) % Parameters for the P: p, q i.e. x0(9 through 10) % Parameters for the DoF: \nu_j, j=1,2, i.e. x0(11 through 12) % Print all results in a file modelname = ['MRSGARCH_']; switch errortype case 1 distr_name = ['N']; case 2 distr_name = ['t_2DoF']; case 4 distr_name = ['t_1DoF']; case 5 distr_name = ['GED_1DoF']; otherwise end % Mac/Linux filename=strcat('junk/',modelname,distr_name,'.txt') % Windows % filename=strcat('junk\',modelname,distr_name,'.txt') fid = fopen(filename,'w'); tit1 = strcat('Model: \n',char(32),modelname,distr_name,' \n\n'); fprintf('Results from optimization In Sample \n',fid); fprintf('fid,tit1'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MAIN LOOP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% index = 0; % time index for the rolling window constr = 0; % unconstrained paramters flag1=1 % 1 for Klaassen and 0 for Gray (default) max_forecast = 5 ; % max number of forecasts
Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes on 13 Aug 2014
dilah - please either format the above code so that it is readable, or attach the code to your question using the paperclip button. As well, please clarify what the problem is - why do you expect more than one solution?
diiah putrii
diiah putrii on 25 Aug 2014
I've attached my programs and data, but after trying to say the results are like this. you get to help me obtain the solution? my job is about ms-GARCH with normal distribution. I get to get ms-GARCH algorithm with matlab software?
filename = junk/MRSGARCH_N.txt ??? Error using ==> fprintf Invalid file identifier -1.
Error in ==> msgarch at 96 fprintf(fid,'Results from optimization In Sample \n');

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Answers (1)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 13 Aug 2014
It is printing (or not) to your file what your code is telling it to print.
See if:
fprintf(fid, 'Results from optimization In Sample \n');
fprintf(fid, tit1);
improves things. You might have to make similar changes in your other fprintf statements.
Remember to use:
at the end of your code to close all open files.
I don’t understand your code (and I don’t have the Econometrics Toolbox so I can’t run it) so that is the limit of the help I can provide.

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