MWMCR: Evaluate function error Inner Matrix Dimensions must agree (fmincon issue ?)

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I have written a matlab code for an optimization problem. The code runs perfectly in MATLAB. But running the deployed code(.NET assembly) I get the following error : "MWMCR: Evaluate function error Inner Matrix Dimensions must agree". I suspect that the problem comes from my objective function for the fmincon function after deployment. But I don't know how to solve it. I have tried to work without nested functions but it doesn't help and I have checked the input argument of my UpdateControlBP method and that seems also not to be the problem. (My c# code may still have some bugs but they should be minor and easy to solve)
Thanksyou in advance
MATLAB CODE: function [Kp_out,Kd_out] = UpdateControlBP(a) %UNTITLED Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here
K = -7;
x0 = [2,0.456]; % initial guess;
options =optimset('Algorithm','active-set');
[x,fval] = fmincon(@(x_in)objfun(x_in),x0,[],[],[],[],[],[],@confun,options);
Kp_out = x(1)^(2)/K;
Kd_out = (2*x(2)*x(1)-a)/K;
function fun = objfun(x_in)
%UNTITLED3 Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
Kp = x_in(1)^(2)/K;
Kd = (2*x_in(2)*x_in(1)-a)/K;
term1 = (1+ (K*(Kd*a-Kp)/(a^(2)+x_in(1)^(2))))^(2);
term2 = Kp*(Kd*x_in(1)^(2)+Kp*a)^(2)/(x_in(1)^(2)*(a^(2)+x_in(1)^(2))^(2));
fun = (term1+term2)^(1/2);
function [c,ceq ] = confun(x_in2)
%UNTITLED2 Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
Ts =2;
zeta_m =0.456;
% Nonlinear inequality constraints
c = [ x_in2(2)*x_in2(1)-4/Ts;zeta_m-x_in2(2)];
% Nonlinear equality constraints
ceq = [];
private void UpdateController()
objControl = new RecLeaSq();
MWArray[] pole_temp = objControl.FindPole(1, Theta_ident);
pole = (MWNumericArray)pole_temp[0];
result_control = objControl.UpdateControlBP(2,(MWArray)pole);
MWNumericArray ControlPar = (MWNumericArray)result_control;
String Kp = ControlPar.ToVector(MWArrayComponent.Real).GetValue(0).ToString();
String Kd = ControlPar.ToVector(MWArrayComponent.Real).GetValue(0).ToString();
String new_PD_Parameters = Kp + " " + "0" + " " + Kd + " " + Kp + " " + "0" + " " + Kd;
using (StreamWriter newParam = new StreamWriter("controller.txt", false)) {
MessageBox.Show(" The controller Parameters have been changed to:" + "\r\n" + "Kp =" + Kp + "\r\n" + "Kd =" + Kd + "\r\n" + "Ki =0");

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