FMINCON not solving for different specifications of logit model

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I am using FMINCON to minimize the squared errors between an set of observations and a logisitic model as shown below. All the 500 solver runs converges with a positive local solver flag if I use the first psi_calculate function (to calculate the logit). If I use the second psi_calculate function, only one of the 500 solvers converge to a positive local solver flag. However, both should yield the same solution. I am not sure why when the logit is specified of the form 1/(1+e^x) it works well, but e^x/(1+e^x) does not!. I am particularly interested in using the second specification because, I want to extend the model to a nested multinomial logistic model. Thanks.
%% Part of the code where I use fmincon
f= @(x) sum((LULC_1995-psi_calculate(x,xdata,veg_no))).^2;*
% LULC_1995 is a vector of observations..x is parameters I am solving for, xdata is the explanatory variables which is a matrix with some n number of columns and rows equal to the LULC_1995 vector
opts = optimset('fmincon');
options = optimset(opts,'Diagnostics','off','Display','iter','TolFun',1e-1,'TolX',1e-6,'MaxFunEvals',25e+1000,'MaxIter',25e+5000,'Algorithm','interior-point');*
ms = MultiStart('UseParallel','always');
[op,error] = run(ms,problem,500);
The psi_calculate function which works well:
function temp = psi_calculate(x,xdata,veg_no)
The psi_calculate function which does not work well:
function temp = psi_calculate(x,xdata,veg_no)
temp=exp(x(21)+(double(xdata)*x(1:lt)))./(1+exp(x(21)+ (double(xdata)*x(1:lt))));
temp = 1-temp;
Prasanth on 10 Jul 2014
Thanks for pointing it out the typo, Matt. I have corrected it.

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