Properly set up axis in 3d bar plot

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Andrew Lheureux
Andrew Lheureux on 19 Jun 2014
Commented: Andrew Lheureux on 19 Jun 2014
Hi all, So I have built a couple matlab scripts whose purpose is to "simulate" windtunnel data. I cannot get a manual axis to function the way i am hoping. it only shows a viable plot when i allow matlab to choose the axises. The issue i have with this is that all the plots appear identical even though the data is different. Here is the 2 scripts i am running: This script is running fine, it calculates the data correctly.
function answer = efficiency()
%%Drag force equation = (1/2)pV^2CA
%p = density of air = 0.00128 g/mL
%V = velocity = variable V
%C = Coefficient of drag = variable C
%A = Cross sectional area = function A
%F = 0.5 * 0.00128(g/mL) * V^2(m/s^2) * C * A(m)
%%Selection of projectile shape
X = menu('projectile shape','sphere','cone','cube','cylinder','Streamlined body','Plots','main menu');
% Drag Coefficient
% Drag Coefficient of Sphere = 0.47
% Drag Coefficient of cone = 0.50
% Drag Coefficient of cube = 1.05
% Drag Coefficient of long cylinder = 0.82
if X == 1 % selects sphere
C = 0.47;
elseif X == 2 % selects cone
C = 0.50;
elseif X == 3 % selects cube
C = 1.05;
elseif X == 4 % selects cylinder
C = 0.82;
elseif X == 5 % Selects stremlined body
C = 0.04;
elseif X == 6 % Plots data
elseif X == 6
%%Overall Force Calculation
% Drag force equation = (1/2)pV^2CA
%p = density of air = 0.00128 g/mL
%V = velocity = variable V
%C = Coefficient of drag = variable C
%A = Cross sectional area = function A
%F = 0.5 * 0.00128(g/mL) * V^2(m/s^2) * C * A(m)
A = .1:.1:1; % Parameters for area
V = 100:100:1000; % Parameters for velocity
for k1 = 1:length(A)
for k2 = 1:length(V)
answer(k1,k2) = .00064*C*A(k1)*V(k2)^2;
%%create Excel spreadsheet of data
filename = 'projectiledata.xlsx';
if X == 1
% Exports sphere data to sheet 1
elseif X == 2
% Exports cone data to sheet 2
elseif X == 3
% Exports cube data to sheet 3
elseif X == 4
% Exports cylinder data to sheet 4
elseif X == 5
% Exports cylinder data to sheet 5
This second script is where the issue lies: I believe the issue lies in axis[] which appears 5 times:
function Plot() %% Plot 1 [data] = xlsread('projectiledata.xlsx',1);
% Create the 3D bar chart
figure('Name','Spherical Projectile','NumberTitle','off');
axis([100 1000 .1 .9 0 900]);
% Add title and axis labels
title('Efficiency of Spherical Shapes');
xlabel('Wind Velocity in m/s');
ylabel('Sectional Area in m');
zlabel('Overall Force applied');
% Set tick labels
%%Plot 2
[data] = xlsread('projectiledata.xlsx',2);
% Create the 3D bar chart
figure('Name','Conical Projectile','NumberTitle','off');
axis([100 1000 0.1 0.9 0 900]);
% Add title and axis labels
title('Efficiency of Conical Shapes');
xlabel('Wind Velocity in m/s');
ylabel('Sectional Area in m');
zlabel('Overall Force applied');
% Set tick labels
%%Plot 3
[data] = xlsread('projectiledata.xlsx',3);
% Create the 3D bar chart
figure('Name','Cublical Projectile','NumberTitle','off');
axis([100 1000 0.1 0.9 0 900]);
% Add title and axis labels
title('Efficiency of Cubical Shapes');
xlabel('Wind Velocity in m/s');
ylabel('Sectional Area in m');
zlabel('Overall Force applied');
% Set tick labels
%%Plot 4
[data] = xlsread('projectiledata.xlsx',4);
% Create the 3D bar chart
figure('Name','Cylindrical Projectile','NumberTitle','off');
axis([100 1000 0.1 0.9 0 900]);
% Add title and axis labels
title('Efficiency of Cylindrical Shapes');
xlabel('Wind Velocity in m/s');
ylabel('Sectional Area in m');
zlabel('Overall Force applied');
% Set tick labels
%%Plot 4
[data] = xlsread('projectiledata.xlsx',5);
% Create the 3D bar chart
figure('Name','Streamlined Projectile','NumberTitle','off');
axis([100 1000 0.1 0.9 0 900]);
% Add title and axis labels
title('Efficiency of streamlined Shapes');
xlabel('Wind Velocity in m/s');
ylabel('Sectional Area in m');
zlabel('Overall Force applied');
% Set tick labels
%%Open Excel file for viewing
Andrew Lheureux
Andrew Lheureux on 19 Jun 2014
sorry it is a different question, i forgot to respond to earlier question. TY for reminding me
Andrew Lheureux
Andrew Lheureux on 19 Jun 2014
i have gotten the data to import into excel file properly, and have manually verified several results to ensure the accuracy. The issue im having specifically is in the manual setting of the axis. The second script functions as intended if i allow Matlab to choose the axis. When i allow this all plots visually look the same, only the range of the z axis changes between each plot. I want my z axis to be the same between all plots so that the plots appear different

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