Use optimisation toolbox with external programme

2 views (last 30 days)
I want to use the optimisation toolbox, in particular the lsqcurvefit function, to fit the response of an external C programme to experimental data. For testing purposes I have written a C programme which computes f(x) = p*sqr(x), where p is my parameter to be optimised. However, the optimsation alogorithm does not perform any optimsation of my parameter p. It stops after two function evaluation:
Initial point is a local minimum.
Optimization completed because the size of the gradient at the initial point
is less than the default value of the function tolerance.
I checked the first-order optimality and it is zero:
firstorderopt: 0
This is my function to the external programme:
% --------------- external function (m-file) ---------------------
function y = myexternal(p,xdata) % p = parameter to be optimized, xdata = measuring points
% write parameter to file
% run my external
% read result from file
data = textscan(resultsfile,'%f');
% ---------------------- end external function (m-file) ----------------------------
I run my optimisation (assuming xdata and ydata is definied) via:
p0 = [0.3];
[p,resnorm,~,exitflag,output,lambda] = lsqcurvefit(@myexternal,p0,xdata,ydata)
Interesting to note that if I replace in the function myexternal() the line "y=data{1};" by "y=p*xdata.*xdata" everything works fine. I also compared the numbers in the computed array y in both cases and it contains the same values.
Do you have any help what might be the mistake? Help is highly appreciated: :-)

Accepted Answer

Maik on 13 Jun 2014
Dear Matt,
I got it. The reason why it didn't work was related to the output accuracy of the matlab script and the external C programme.
This is the output for the matlab script (using 16 decimal places for double variables)
% writing paramater as output
% reading result of C programme
data = textscan(fp_results_file,'%f %f');
And for the C programme
% reading parameter input of matlab script
fscanf(fp_parameter_file, "%lf\n",&p);
% writing results file
fprintf(fp_results_file, "%.16g\n", result);
Thanks for your support!

More Answers (1)

Matt J
Matt J on 5 Jun 2014
Edited: Matt J on 5 Jun 2014
This isn't quite what you asked, but if your model function has a linear form in p
and you have no bounds on p, then it makes no sense to be using lsqcurvefit. The result has the trivial analytical solution
p= reshape(sqr(xdata),[],1)\ydata(:);
As for the code you've shown, it's hard to interpret, because you haven't explained anywhere which part is computing sqr(x). However, one obvious problem is that you are not using xdata anywhere inside the version of myexternal() that you've posted.
Maik on 10 Jun 2014
However, I just realised that the if I output the parameter p inside the function to be optimised, at each iteration step, I only get the newly computed parameter, but I do not get the pertuabted parameter, which is needed for the finite difference method.
Matt J
Matt J on 10 Jun 2014
Edited: Matt J on 10 Jun 2014
If everything you say is true, the only thing I can think of is that your initial p0 is already optimal, and therefore lsqcurvefit stops immediately. Either that, or else sqr(x)=0, which would imply that all values of p are optimal.
Since your practice problem only has a single parameter, p, you could plot the objective function
f=@(p) norm(y-myexternal(p,xdata))^2
as a function of p to make sure it varies non-trivially around p0 (it should be a simple quadratic parabola). I would recommend posting such a plot here so that we have a feel for what's happening, but make sure you generate the plot for a case when the fit is failing.
You could also try minimizing the above with other solvers, like fminsearch, just to see if the results are different.

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