Valley-filling optimization problem

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Riccardo on 21 May 2014
Edited: Matt J on 21 May 2014
Hello, i'm trying to simulate a distributed scheduler for ev (electric vehicle) charging. the desired behavior would shave peaks and fill valley, in other words minimize the peak-to-average ratio of the electric load on a test grid. ( such as in this paper )
So, basically, what I'm doing is this:
  • send to each user the aggregate load of the rest of the grid
  • initialize the charge scheduling vector randomly, this will be the starting point x0 of the IPM optimization
  • optimize: i want to minimize the peak-to-average ratio, or equivalently, the cost (quadratic fcn) of the supplied energy
The constraints are the following:
  • The sum of the charges scheduled between now and the departure moment of the vehicle is equal to the energy requirement (first line of Aeq)
  • Past scheduling cannot be changed (so it's equal to past load, ecs.ev_load ), scheduling post-departure must be zero ( I , the rest of Aeq matrix)
  • lower bound of energy consumption is zero
  • upper bound is a given parameter, ecs.max_load
Aeq=[zeros(1,ecs.currenttime-1) -1*ones(1,ecs.ev.departure-ecs.currenttime+1) zeros(1,ecs.timeslots-ecs.ev.departure);I];
options = optimoptions('fmincon','Algorithm','interior-point','MaxFunEvals',30000);
The objective function par at each ev sums
  • x: the scheduled load of the vehicle (the optimization variable)
  • other_loads: the future behavior of every non-ev load (unrealistic), the loads of the rest of ev schedules
other_loads=ecs.game_l; %l_n (all schedules in the grid, mine included)
other_loads(:,[]; %l_-n (removed my own schedule)
schedule = fmincon(@par,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon,options);
function f=par(x)
tot=sum([x other_loads],2);
Here's my problem: the optimization doesn't work. I keep tinkering with the code, but I always get (almost) the same result, where the valleys aren't filled at all, and the behaviour is almost constant. I verified by debugging that the content of the variables is correct, maybe I'm doing something wrong with the optimizer? Thanks in advance
Matt J
Matt J on 21 May 2014
It would help if you showed us the output of
whos Aeq beq x0 lb ub
so we could see the dimensions of everything.
Riccardo on 21 May 2014
>whos Aeq beq x0 lb ub
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
Aeq 196x288 451584 double
beq 196x1 1568 double
lb 288x1 2304 double
ub 288x1 2304 double
x0 288x1 2304 double

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Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 21 May 2014
Edited: Matt J on 21 May 2014
The function par() is not a twice differentiable function of x (because of the max() operation). It is therefore outside the scope of fmincon. Maybe try ga() instead?
Because you're not showing your actual code, there could be other problems, too. I'm assuming that the posted code is not the actual code, because you never pass other_loads to par() in any way. It should be returning an error message.
Matt J
Matt J on 21 May 2014
Edited: Matt J on 21 May 2014
To reduce clutter, I took the liberty of moving the code from your previous comment to an attachment. However, I don't see the true version of par() or the code used to call fmincon anywhere in there. That was the important part.
Riccardo on 21 May 2014
Well, fmincon is
  • called inside the function schedule=ipm_game(ecs),
  • which is called by game(ecs) in the second 'if',
  • called by reschedule(ecs),
  • called by step_ecs
  • called by step_nbhood
  • called by the constructor of nbhood
Basically, ecs has got all the variables needed for the thing

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More Answers (2)

Matt J
Matt J on 21 May 2014
Edited: Matt J on 21 May 2014
It also looks likely that the solutions to the problem are non-unique. The objective function only depends essentially on max(tot) and mean(tot). Given a solution tot with a certain max and mean, it is easy to find other tot with the same max and mean.
Your linear constraints Aeq*tot=beq may place some restriction on this, but it's not clear without saying Aeq,beq that it's enough.
Riccardo on 21 May 2014
Edited: Riccardo on 21 May 2014
Quite surprisingly, after removing the (3/1600) term from the cost function (minimum should stay the same), this is the behavior, as if it was 'overreacting':
Most probably the different ev's can't see each others' schedules
Matt J
Matt J on 21 May 2014
Edited: Matt J on 21 May 2014
This (badly written, sorry) quadratic cost function:
If the function is indeed quadratic then yes, it is differentiable, but if you're moving to a quadratic cost, it becomes more sensible to use quadprog instead of fmincon.
Now I'm running it again with FinDiffRelStep=0.1, and it's taking way longer, will post results asap
Regardless of whether you switch to quadprog, quadratic functions have simple derivatives, so it should be unnecessary to use finite difference derivative calculations. In particular, in fmincon, you should be supplying your own analytical gradient calculation, using the GradObj option, instead of tinkering with finite difference derivatives.

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Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss on 21 May 2014
Without looking at your code, only having read your description, it seems to me that you are probably running into the problems described in the documentation about optimizing a simulation or ODE. Basically, if you use an Optimization Toolbox solver to optimize a simulation, then you need to take larger-than-default finite difference steps for gradient estimation.
The other thing to try is the patternsearch solver. I would use patternsearch before trying a genetic algorithm solver because patternsearch is much faster, more reliable, and easier to tune. But patternsearch is slower than an Optimization Toolbox solver when both have appropriate options set.
Good luck,
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
Riccardo on 21 May 2014
Thanks, you're talking about the DiffMinChange parameter, right?
options = optimoptions('fmincon','Algorithm','interior-point','MaxFunEvals',30000,'DiffMinChange',0.1);
Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss on 21 May 2014
Yes, either DiffMinChange possibly combined with increased DiffMaxChange, or else FinDiffRelStep.

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