How do I define a function to be used in an annonymous function?

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Hello, I am trying to use the following approach to find the values p(1) and p(2) that gives the best aproximation of curves yreal and yfit:
%Function to calculate the sum of residuals for a given p1 and p2
fun = @(p) sum((yreal - yfit(p(1),p(2),signal1, signal2)).^2);
%starting guess
pguess = [1,0.2];
[p,fminres] = fminsearch(fun,pguess)
where y_fit is a function that depends on those parameters and signals 1 and 2. I am building the function yfit because inside it I have to use ode45 to obtain the y_real values, I mean, it is not a function as easy as, for example:
fun = @(p) sum((yreal - p(1)*cos(p(2))*signal1+signal2)).^2);
The problem I am having with my function yfit is:
Undefined function 'minus' for input arguments of type 'struct'.
Error in fun = @(p) sum((yreal - yfit(p(1),p(2),signal1, signal2)).^2);
Any suggestion on how should I define fun or yfit?
dpb on 9 Apr 2014
What's the definition of yfit look like and what are signal1/2 ? I'm puzzled about what generated the reference to a structure.
W/O any more info, I'd start at
fun = @(p,s1,s2) sum((yreal - yfit(p(1),p(2),s1, s2)).^2);
but not positive about it.
One thing I see as a problem in the initial is that for any variable in the anonymous function not in the argument list, the current value of that variable at the time of the creation of the handle is "builtin" to the function and changing its value (or even deleting it) won't change the values used in the function. Hence, in your initial case signal1 and -2 will never change during the search if they're supposed to.
Fran on 10 Apr 2014
Lets see. Vars "time", "yreal" and "e" are read from a file, but here I've written somethig to start with. This is the main program:
%---- MAIN
time = 0:0.1:10; % Example here
yreal = rand(length(t),1)'+sin(t); % Example here
e = 0.1.*sin(t) % Example here
%Function to calculate the sum of residuals for a given p1 and p2
fun = @(p) sum((yreal - yfit(time, e, p(1),p(2))).^2);
%starting guess
pguess = [1,0.2];
[p,fminres] = fminsearch(fun,pguess)
and here you have the function yfit, which is saved in yfit.m and contains the two following functions:
%---- yfit
function act = yfit(time, e, PCSA, Cfast)
dm = 1054;
lF = 0.0995828022467124;
m = PCSA * lF * dm;
global Te Trise Tfall
Te = (25+0.1*m*(1-Cfast))/1000;
Trise = (5+0.2*m*(1-Cfast)^2)/1000*15;
Tfall = (30+0.5*m*(1-Cfast)^2)/1000*19;
x0 = [0.00001, 0];
tspan = time;
a = ode45(@FES, [0;1],[0 0], [], e, time);
act = a(:,1);
function dx = FES(t, x, e, t_ex)
global Te Trise Tfall
e_int= interp1(t_ex,e,t);
if t<(t_ex(end))
if e_int < e_int2
k1 = Te*Trise;
k2 = Trise+Te;
k1 = Te*Tfall;
k2 = Tfall+Te;
k1 = Te*Tfall;
k2 = Tfall+Te;
dx = zeros(2,1);
dx(1) = x(2);
dx(2) = 1/k1*(-k2*x(2)-x(1)+e_int);
% ----
Thanks for your help

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Answers (1)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 10 Apr 2014
First, since yfit is an external function (we didn’t know that before), change fun to:
fun = @(p) sum((yreal - @yfit(time, e, p(1),p(2))).^2);
and see if that works. (Note the added ‘@’ sign.)
If you still have problems with it, the next step is to call yfit itself (outside of fun) and see what the results are. If yfit has problems in that situation, start troubleshooting by being sure your ODE in FES integrates.
Fran on 10 Apr 2014
I think it's easier and faster if I explain it to you.
I have two signals, one from experiments and another one calculated. This last one depends on two parameters and I want to know which are those parameters to obtain the best fit. That is, I am trying to minimize the sum of squared differences varying those parameters:
min sum(act_TA - act(p1,p2))^2
act_TA comes from experiments and act is the signal that I get after integration of a second order differential equation:
k1 * act_dd + k2 * act_d + act = e
where _dd indicates second derivativa, _d first derivative, k1 and k2 are calculated according the previous comments (Gohfler et. al paper) and e is a prescribed signal. Theory is easy, efficient practice is complicated.
When I said it doesn't goes out I meant it takes too too long. Right now I've left fminsearch and I am doing the following:
p1 = 0.0045:0.0005:0.0085;
p2 = 0.1:0.1:0.9;
for ind1 = 1:length(p1)
P(1) = p1(ind1);
for ind2 = 1:length(p2)
P(2) = p2(ind2);
J(ind1,ind2) = sumatorio(P);
It has been running during an hour on a pentium i3 core and right now it is on:
ind1 = 4; ind2 = 4;
Star Strider
Star Strider on 10 Apr 2014
First question: If you give your DE the appropriate parameter estimates and initial conditions, how long does it take it to integrate?
Second question: I don’t understand the ind1 ... ind2 loop. It seems to me that you just have to do the fminsearch call once comparing your two signals, be sure you have a good fit to your data and parameter estimates that make sense, and you’ve done what you set out to do.
I admit to not understanding what you are doing, most significantly with respect to your loop. I thought you are doing a relatively straightforward curve-fitting parameter estimation, but apparently I missed something.
I suggest you output and save the p and fminres variables at each iteration. If it’s taking as long as it is, you don’t want to risk losing any information.

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