Getting 'Reference to non-existent field' Error

2 views (last 30 days)
I run the code as a m file,but it occurs to me a problem telling Reference to non-existent field...What should I do?Please help me!Thank you very much.
Reference to non-existent field 'Count(track_id)'.
Error in getfield (line 37)
f = s.(deblank(strField)); % deblank field name
Error in @(x)getfield(x,'Count(track_id)')
Error in MS (line 70)
unused, order] =
Here is my M file code(or you can see it in the attach file):
% set up Million Song paths
global MillionSong MSDsubset
MillionSong ='MillionSongSubset'; % or 'MillionSong' for full set
MSDsubset='subset_'; % or '' for full set
% Check that we can actually read the dataset
assert(exist(msd_data_path,'dir')==7,['msd_data_path ',msd_data_path,' is not found.']);
% path to the Million Song Dataset code
assert(exist(msd_code_path,'dir')==7,['msd_code_path ',msd_code_path,' is wrong.']);
% Build a list of all the files in the dataset
all_files = findAllFiles(msd_data_path);
cnt = length(all_files);
disp(['Number of h5 files found: ',num2str(cnt)]);
% Get info from the first file using our wrapper
h5 = HDF5_Song_File_Reader(all_files{1});
disp(['artist name is: ',h5.get_artist_name()]);
disp([' song title is: ',h5.get_title()]);
% Get all artist names by mapping a function to return artist names
% over the cell array of data file names
all_artist_names = cellfun(@(f) get_artist_name(HDF5_Song_File_Reader(f)), ...
all_files, 'UniformOutput', false);
tend = toc;
disp(['All names acquired in ',num2str(tend),' seconds.']);
disp(['First artist name is: ',all_artist_names{1}]);
disp(['There are ',num2str(length(unique(all_artist_names))), ...
' unique artist names']);
% takes around 5 min on MacBook Pro to scan 10k files (30ms/file)
% Track metadata database
sqldb = [msd_addf_prefix,'track_metadata.db'];
% Open connection
% Run the SQL query. DISTINCT means we only get the unique names
artist_names = mksqlite('SELECT DISTINCT artist_name FROM songs');
% Close the connection (clean up)
disp(['Found ',num2str(length(artist_names)),' distinct artist names']);
disp('First artist names are:');
for k=1:5;
res = mksqlite(['SELECT DISTINCT artist_id,artist_name,Count(track_id) ' ...
'FROM songs GROUP BY artist_id']);
disp('Got entries that looks like:');
% Sort the results
[unused, order] = sort(arrayfun(@(x)getfield(x,'Count(track_id)'),res(:)),'descend');
res = res(order);
disp('Artist with the most songs is:');

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 7 Apr 2014
fieldnames have the same rules as hold for variable names: 1 to 63 characters, begin with a Latin alphabetic letter, following characters must be selected from the Latin alphabetic letters, the Latin "arabic digits", or the underscore.
The fieldname 'Count(track_id)' does not follow those rules, as it attempts to use the prohibited characters '(' and ')' as part of the field names.
  1 Comment
Lin Yanzhou
Lin Yanzhou on 7 Apr 2014
But the code
mksqlite('open',sqldb); res = mksqlite(['SELECT DISTINCT artist_id,artist_name,Count(track_id) ' ... 'FROM songs GROUP BY artist_id']); mksqlite('close');
also use "track_id" and there is no error about it.

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