Please, help with Time series statistic problem

1 view (last 30 days)
Hello, I'm using Matlab to compare 9 temperature time series, and I want to know if the difference between each of them is significant, *and I was wondering what the best way to statistically compare them to see if the peaks are the same or different , with a confidence interval of 95%, How can I do that?
Many thanks,............
  1 Comment
dpb on 11 Mar 2014
WAY too many unknowns to even hypothesize. The time to have designed the analysis technique was before having run the experiment.
Perhaps some indication of what kind of temperatures we're talking about and how collected and so on might at least lead to some ideas, but just as is, the answer is "No idea".

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 11 Mar 2014
It sounds like you might want to use cross-correlation. See xcorr2()

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