help mee correct the code ?

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kawthar kawthar
kawthar kawthar on 7 Mar 2014
Edited: Image Analyst on 7 Mar 2014
Error using imagesMixture (line 104) Not enough input arguments.
function mixedImg= imagesMixture(mainImg, blendImg, coords, varargin)
% Combine images together in a photomontage style.
% mixedImg= imagesMixture(mainImg, blendImg, coords);
% mixedImg= imagesMixture(mainImg, blendImg, coords, 'coordsMode', coordsMode);
% mixedImg= imagesMixture(mainImg, blendImg, coords, 'coordsMode', coordsMode, 'opacity', opacity);
% mixedImg= imagesMixture(mainImg, blendImg, coords, 'coordsMode', coordsMode, 'opacity', opacity, 'blendMask', blendMask);
% This is a small function designed to enter a small image, onto a bigger one. it can be
% handy in several cases- both for images and especially for videos (perhaps I'll write a
% wrapper function for video later on). It can be used for hiding an object (like faces
% of persons interested in staying anonymous). Another option is water marking.
% Annotation, and image/video editing is also an option- adding an object to an existing
% image. The function receives a main- tile image, and a smaller image subject to
% insertion. The user specifies the inserted image position, the part of the image to be
% inserted, the way coordinates should be treated, and the opacity value. Image mixture
% is generated according to the above parameters, and the new image is returned.
%%Input arguments (defaults exist):
% mainImg- the main/tile image subject to blending/ images mixture. Expected to be of
% dimensions higher or equal to blendImg dimensions.
% blendImg- the image added (or blended into) mainImg. Expected to be of smaller or
% eqaul dimensions of mainImg.
% coords- [row, column]
% [], will cause generation of automated name.
% ---Optional parameters-----------------------------------------------
% coordsMode- a string {['Center'], 'TopLeft', 'BottomRight'} defining how the coords
% are trerated- what should lie there blendImg Center, TopLeft or BottomRight corner?
% Default value is 'Center'.
% opacity- a double value [0:1] determines the images ratio in the support area.
% Default is 1- complete blending- mainImg is totally faced by blendImg.
% blendMask- a matrix of logicals, of same dimensions as blendImg. Determines the
% region of blendImg subject of blending- default is a matrix of tue's- whole
% blending.
%%Output arguments
% mixedImg- a matrix representing an image, of same type and size as mainImg, with
% blendImg merged with it at appropriate position and opacity.
%%Issues & Comments
%%Example I
% mainImg=imread('cameraman.tif');
% subImg=mainImg(185:220, 100:120);
% mixedImg= imagesMixture(mainImg, subImg, [10, 40], 'opacity', 1, 'coordsMode', 'TopLeft');
% figure;
% subplot(1, 2, 1)
% imshow(mainImg);
% hold on;
% hndl=rectangle('Position',[100, 185, size(subImg, 2), size(subImg, 1)], 'EdgeColor', 'r');
% hold off;
% title('Original Image');
% subplot(1, 2, 2)
% imshow(mixedImg);
% title('Mixed Image');
%%Example II
% matlabVfile='rhinos.avi'; % 'xylophone.mpg'; % no other input video files in Matlab default path was found
% peppersImg=imread('peppers.png');
% subImg=peppersImg(130:205, 85:190, :);
% redPepperMask=subImg(:,:,1)>100 & subImg(:,:,1)<190 & subImg(:,:,2)<100;
% outVideoInsterObj=apply2VideoFrames('inVideo', matlabVfile,...
% 'hAppliedFunc',@imagesMixture, 'outVideoFile', 'hardMix', 'PARAMS',...
% subImg, [40, 38], 'blendMask', redPepperMask);
% implay(outVideoInsterObj);
% outVideoWaterMark=apply2VideoFrames('inVideo', matlabVfile,...
% 'hAppliedFunc',@imagesMixture, 'outVideoFile', 'waterMark', 'PARAMS',...
% subImg, [40, 38], 'opacity', 0.6);
% implay(outVideoWaterMark);
% implay(matlabVfile);
%%See also
% - imcrop
% - apply2VideoFrames
% - rectangle
%%Revision history
% First version: Nikolay S. 2012-05-16.
% Last update: Nikolay S. 2012-05-21.
% *List of Changes:*
% 2012-05-21- A few bugs fixed.
%%Default parameters
%%Load uses params, overifding default ones
if nargin>4
for iArg=1:2:length(varargin) % automatically get all input pairs and store in local vairables
% eval([varargin{iArg},'=varargin{iArg+1};']); % TODO get read of EVAL.
%%Bring blended images to commmon color space
if length(mainImgDims)<3
if length(blendImgDims)<3
if isempty(blendMask)
blendMask=true( blendImgDims );
% Make both images to be of same type- RGB or GrayScale
if mainImgDims(3)~=blendImgDims(3)
if mainImgDims(3) > blendImgDims(3)
blendImg=repmat( blendImg, [1, 1, mainImgDims(3)] );
if size(blendMask, 3) < blendImgDims(3)
blendMask=repmat(blendMask, [1, 1, blendImgDims(3)]);
%%calculate the blending coordinates
%rect=cat(2, NaN(1,2), blendImgDims(2), blendImgDims(1));
switch( upper(coordsMode) )
case( upper('TopLeft') )
case( upper('BottomRight') )
rowMin=round( coords(1)-modeG*blendImgDims(1) );
colMin=round( coords(2)-modeG*blendImgDims(2) );
%%verify rect values are legal
% Left Top point is inside mainImgDims
rowMin=max(1, rowMin);
colMin=max(1, colMin);
rowMin=min(rowMin, mainImgDims(1));
colMin=min(colMin, mainImgDims(2));
% Rigth Bottom point is inside mainImgDims
rowMax=min(rowMax, mainImgDims(1));
colMax=min(colMax, mainImgDims(2));
% If rect was reduced- crop blendImg, blendMask accourdingly
blendImg=blendImg(1:(1+rowMax-rowMin), 1:(1+colMax-colMin), :);
blendMask=blendMask(1:(1+rowMax-rowMin), 1:(1+colMax-colMin), :);
% Preapre insetred image
subImg=mainImg( rowMin:rowMax, colMin:colMax, : );
% Blend images
% Return output of same type as input
if ~strcmpi(mainImgClass, 'double')
blendSubImg=cast(blendSubImg, mainImgClass);
mixedImg( rowMin:rowMax, colMin:colMax, : )=blendSubImg;
  1 Comment
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 7 Mar 2014
Edited: Image Analyst on 7 Mar 2014
Please post full error message , don't snip like you did. I have no idea what it thinks line 104 is, but if you had copied the full error message ( ALL the red text ) then I would have known.

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