Using Numerical Integration in Multistart with Parallel Computing

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I have an optimization problem that I want to use Multistart on. When I do it without parallel processing, the results are fine, but it's slow. When I turn on parallell processing, I get the error "MultiStart encountered failures in the user provided functions" with an exitflag of -10. I believe this is due to using ODE113 in the objective function. How do I use ODE113 inside of MultiStart like this? My code is as follows:
tspan = 3E7;
problem = createOptimProblem('fmincon','objective',@(x)obj_fcn(x(1),x(2),tspan),'x0',[-4.4,4.8,tspan],'lb',[-50,-50,tspan],'ub',[50,50,tspan], 'options',optimset('Algorithm','sqp'));
ms = MultiStart('UseParallel','always','Display','iter');
matlabpool open
[x fval eflag output manymins] = run(ms,problem,10);
matlabpool close
function obj = obj_fcn(Vx0,Vy0,tspan)
options = odeset('AbsTol',1E-12,'RelTol',1E-12);
[~,x] = ode113(@ODEs,tspan,[0 0 0 Vx0 Vy0 0],options);
obj = (x(end,1)*x(end,1) + x(end,2)*x(end,2) + x(end,3)*x(end,3));
function x_dot = ODEs(t,x)
mu = 1.327124400180000e+011; n0 = 1.990983289296242e-007; a0 = 149597890;
d = ((a0+x(1))^2 + x(2)^2 + x(3)^2)^(3/2);
x_dot(1) = x(4);
x_dot(2) = x(5);
x_dot(3) = x(6);
x_dot(4) = 2*n0*x(5) + n0^2*x(1) - mu*(a0+x(1))/d + mu/(a0^2);
x_dot(5) = -2*n0*x(4) + n0^2*x(2)-mu*x(2)/d;
x_dot(6) = -mu*x(3)/d;
x_dot = x_dot';
Any help would be appreciated!

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