minimize a function with matrix output subject to a constrain

1 view (last 30 days)
Dear all, I have another question about minimizing a function using Matlab. I already post a question here: Minimizing Function With Matrix Output and the result is as what I expected, matrix output. But the value is still incorrect. I forgot that the function has a constrain. Here is my code:
function f=obj1(C,H12,H21,F1,F2)
Here is how I call the function:
find_C = @(T) obj1(T, H(:,:,1,2), H(:,:,2,1), F(:,:,1), F(:,:,2));
Cout = fminsearch(find_C, guess,options);
H12 and H21 are 3x3 matrix, F1 and F2 are 3x1 matrix. I want to minimize the function to find C(:,1) and C(:,2) and it should be a 3x1 matrix, with constrain C(:,2)*C(:,2)'=I and C(:,1)*C(:,1)'=I (identity matrix).
I read about fmincon, but I thought the constrain is different. Do you have any idea to solve this?
Thank you!

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