How do I plot a cell array where every cell contains an (x,2) matrix?

2 views (last 30 days)
I am collecting large amounts of data that are output as .dat files. I filter through my entire directory to choose all the .dat files and then reassign them into a cell array as I go. The data imports as a structure when imported using importdata().
My code:
dr = dir('my directory');
c = 1;
for i = 1 : length(dr) % Sort through directory
fln = dr(lc).name; % get filename
[pathstr, name, ext] = fileparts(fln); % get filename parts
if strcmpi(ext,'.dat') % If file is .mat
x = importdata(fln); % Load file - currently a struct
RawData{c,1} = name; % Move file name into Col 1, Row 'c'
RawData{c,2} =; % Move data (n by 2) into Col 2, Row 'c'
c = c + 1; % Increase counter
I have a cell array:
RawData =
'a14' [1603x2 double]
'a15' [1574x2 double]
'a16' [1632x2 double]
'a21' [1602x2 double]
'a22' [1635x2 double]
'a23' [1603x2 double]
'a24' [1640x2 double]
'a31' [1631x2 double]
'a32' [1605x2 double]
'a33' [1607x2 double]
'a34' [1605x2 double]
'a35' [1569x2 double]
How do I plot each of these (column 1 vs. column 2) all on the same plot without a loop? I want them to be different colors so that I can label them individually in the legend. I am also able to separate the data so that all 'x' data is in column 3 and all 'y' data is in column four so I would have an (n x 3) cell array.

Accepted Answer

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 23 Jan 2014
The better way to do it is to use the for loop
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 23 Jan 2014
You can add the legend at the end of your plot. Look at this example
RawData ={'a14' [(1:20)' sin(1:20)']
'a15' [(1:30)' 10*cos(1:30)']
'a16' [(1:40)' 20*sin(1:40)']}
for k=1:size(RawData,1)
hold on
hold off

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More Answers (1)

Khalid on 24 Apr 2014
grades_imp = importdata('filename.dat');; B=grades_imp.textdata; C=cell2mat(B(2:end, 1)); time_hours = (mod(datenum(C), 1)) * 24; % transform hh:mm:ss to hours rel1 = A(:,1); rel2 = A(:,2); rel3 = A(:,3); rel4 = A(:,4); rel5 = A(:,5); rel6 = A(:,6); plot (time_hours,rel1,'b' ,time_hours,rel2,'r', time_hours,rel3,'g',time_hours,rel4,'y' ,time_hours,rel5,'w', time_hours,rel6,'m')

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