Initialization values are no changing in an ODE data fitting with lsqnonlin. Is there a way to check initialization values faster? this method takes too long

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Good evening everyone,
I am trying to estimate kinetic parameters by fitting experimental data to 4 ODE. I have 8 parameters to estimate and 4 ODEs to resolve. For this i am using ode45 to solve the ODE and lsqnonlin to optimize the kinetic parameters in order to fit experimental data. Seems there is not a syntax problem on my code since it runs properly but the result of the parameters is exactly the same to the initialized values for some of them, even if i change them extremely (from an initialization value of 100 to 1e20) so maybe something inside my code is wrong but since it runs i haven't been able to find it. After optimized, the objective function always gives the same result with no change in variables.
here is the code i am using..
clear all;
%%Initialization of the kinetic parameters
%%Optimization parameters
LB=[1e5,1e5,1e5,1e5,1e5,1e5,1e5,1e5];%Lower bounds of every parameter
UB=[Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf];%Upper bounds of every parameter
options=optimset('Disp','iter',... %Display the iterations
'MaxIter',1e9,...%Maximum number of iterations allowed.
'TolX',1e-20,...%Termination tolerance on the variable
'TolFun',1e-20,...%Termination tolerance on the function value.
'LargeScale','on',...%Use large-scale algorithm
'MaxFunEvals',1E10,...%Maximum number of function evaluations allowed
%lsqnonlin Solve nonlinear least-squares (nonlinear data-fitting) problems
function SSE = run(b)
global Acel Aglc1 Aglc2 Ahmf Ecel Eglc1 Eglc2 Ehmf mcel mglc1 mglc2 mhmf
rslts =[1.7268 1.8862 0.4731 0.1477 1.2394 0.0000;
1.6150 1.4807 0.7366 0.2122 1.039 0.0000;
1.6418 1.4119 0.7545 0.2383 1.5249 0.0000;
1.6472 1.3797 0.7239 0.2594 1.3542 0.0000;
1.5349 1.2926 0.7018 0.3127 1.2197 0.0000;
1.7451 1.4772 0.7824 0.4353 1.2928 0.3001;
1.7338 1.4901 0.1134 0.4925 1.2382 0.3252;
1.1987 1.0593 0.5487 0.4322 0.8575 0.2760;
1.3623 1.2195 0.6256 0.5848 0.9279 0.3717;
1.3937 1.3277 0.2874 0.6387 0.9099 0.4181;
1.4624 1.4136 0.3416 0.7415 0.9620 0.4752;
1.4282 1.3930 0.5202 0.7877 0.9321 0.4830;
0.9200 0.9212 0.3902 0.5670 0.6456 0.3580;
1.2116 1.2165 0.5641 0.8967 0.9217 0.5026;
1.0532 1.1171 0.5621 0.9196 0.8419 0.4828;
0.9515 1.1064 0.6549 1.0482 0.8897 0.5479;
0.6938 0.9480 0.6690 1.0692 0.8134 0.5126];
concGlc = rslts(:,1);
concLA = rslts(:,4);
concHMF = rslts(:,5);
%%parameters to be found
Acel = b(1);
Aglc1 = b(2);
Aglc2 = b(3);
Ahmf = b(4);
Ecel = b(5);
Eglc1 = b(6);
Eglc2 = b(7);
Ehmf = b(8);
function f = odefun(t,x)
CEL = x(1);
GLC = x(2);
HMF = x(3);
R=8.314; % Gas constant
Temp=175+273; % Experiemntal Temperature (K)
Acd= 0.00533; % Expermiental acid concentration(%w/w)
%%kinetic model
%%Differential equations
dCELdt = -rcel;
dGLCdt = rcel-rglc1-rglc2;
dHMFdt = rglc1-rhmf;
dLAdt = rhmf;
f = [dCELdt,dGLCdt,dHMFdt,dLAdt]';
tspan = [1 2 3 4 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 21 25 30 40 50 60];
y0 =[0.8029 1.7268 1.2394 0.1477];
[v y] = ode45(@odefun , tspan, y0);
ymeas= [concGlc concHMF concLA];
yest = [y(:,2) y(:,3) y(:,4)];
SSE = abs(err); % for lsqnonlin
I would certainly appreciate all your help. If you find an error in my code or if you know a way to make it better I would appreciate if you say so.
Thanks in advvance!

Answers (1)

Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss on 10 Jan 2014
Without reading your code in detail, I can suggest the following:
Good luck,
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
  1 Comment
nicolin2001 on 11 Jan 2014
Ok thank you. I just realized the LB problem. However, what do you think a larger finite differences set would be appropriate?
I passed prom 1e-3 as default to 10 but i'm not sure if would it be. i still need accuracy and definitely i am not used to optimization issues.
Thanks once again

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