How can I make a 3d plot using 2 functions combined in 1 function?

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Hi friends! I have the following problem.
I have written two separate functions with two separate input arguments: function1 with input argument x and function2 with input argument y. The two functions symbolise the profit of option 1 and 2.
In a new function I have combined function1 and function2 in just 1 function. The name of the function is total_return and sums the profit of function1 and 2. In the new function the profit of function1 is multiplied with a and the profit of function 2 is multiplied with 1-a. The new function therefore has the input arguments: a, x and y.
I would like to make a 3d plot (surf) with the variables: a, x and total_return.
So that makes:
1: let's say, we make the last input variable of the total_return function 8.5 (=y).
2: in the workspace I have made a row vector of x (1x100) and a column vector of a (100x1).
When I compute the surf function I still get:
error using +
matrix dimensions must agree.
-->Referring to the part of the new function were I sum up the two profits in 1 profit, that 1 profit being: total_return. Something is clearly wrong here, but I can't figure it out.
I thinks something goes wrong with the computation of the two separate functions, those dimensions don't agree or something.
I would love to have some help with this. Thank you very much in advance. I am chemical student and struggling at the moment. I hope this explanation is elaborate enough for you. I am using matlab r2012b
Entire function:
function [ total_return ] = total_return ( a,x,y ) %UNTITLED2 Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here
h2_price = x;
cog_volumein = 12800;
cog_lhv = 18.39;
cog_energy_inlet = ((cog_lhv * cog_volumein)/1000);
loadfactor = 8500;
psa_eff = 0.775;
h2_contentcog = 0.59656;
h2_density = 0.0899;
h2_vfrexit = cog_volumein * psa_eff * h2_contentcog;
h2_mfrexit = h2_vfrexit * h2_density;
h2_lhv = 120;
h2_energy = h2_lhv * h2_mfrexit * loadfactor;
h2_value = h2_price * h2_mfrexit * loadfactor;
cog_volumeexit = cog_volumein-h2_vfrexit;
cog2_lhv = 25.16;
cog_energy_exitPSA = cog_volumeexit * cog2_lhv/1000;
elec_eff = 0.39;
cog_elecprod = cog_energy_exitPSA * elec_eff/3.6;
elec_price = 50.50;
cog_elprod_value = elec_price * cog_elecprod * loadfactor;
cog_price = 5.4;
cog_cost = cog_price * cog_energy_inlet * loadfactor;
h2_return = h2_value + cog_elprod_value - cog_cost;
wb2_value = cog_energy_inlet * y * loadfactor;
cog_cost = cog_price * cog_energy_inlet * loadfactor;
wb2_return = wb2_value - cog_cost;
return1 = a * h2_return;
return2 = (1 - a) * wb2_return;
total_return = return1 + return2;
Falling line:
total_return = return1 + return2;
Jan on 4 Jan 2014
Edited: Image Analyst on 4 Jan 2014
Please show us the failing line and the dimensions of the variables. The debugger will help you to find them out.
Tjeerd Luykx
Tjeerd Luykx on 4 Jan 2014
The falling line = total_return = return1 + return2;
I have denoted the entire function above. I hope this will make it easier, but unfortunately quite extensive

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