Why are my axes-objects non-existent?

2 views (last 30 days)
Daniel on 30 Nov 2013
Edited: Daniel on 30 Nov 2013
I'm working on a programm to load a image in one axes-object and make a affine transformation of this one, then save the transformation in a second axes. The axes-objects are squares of the same size. Afterwards i register the (previously given) transformation parameters by clicking 3 points in both pictures and calculationg them. After all that, when i press the mousebutton and "draw" in the first axes (original bild) my drawing should be transformed and drawn in the transformed image as well. But when I want to draw in the first axes i get an error:
Error while evaluating figure WindowButtonMotionFcn
Reference to non-existent field 'axes1'.
Error in Aufgabe2_neu>figure1_WindowButtonMotionFcn (line 178) plot(handles.axes1, mouse(1,1), mouse(1,2), 'r-');
I'll give you some of my code that i think is relevant:
if true
% code
function axes1_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global C;
global a1Pos;
%global ha1;
%ha1 = handles.axes1;
a1Pos = get(gca,'Position');
A = imread('beach.jpg');
C = imcrop(A, [150 150 a1Pos(3) a1Pos(4)]);
if true
% code
function axes2_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global C;
global a1Pos;
%global ha2;
%ha2 = handles;
a = -1+2*(28/31);
b = -1+2*(1/12);
c = -1+2*(1992/1980);
d = 1;
tx = 0;
ty = 0;
a1Pos = get (handles.axes1, 'Position');
A = imread('beach.jpg');
C = imcrop(A, [150 150 a1Pos(3) a1Pos(4)]);
abb = [a b 0; c d 0; tx ty 1];
ts = maketform('affine', abb);
D = imtransform(C,ts);
D = imcrop (D, [100 100 a1Pos(3) a1Pos(4)]);
if true
% code
if true
% code
function figure1_WindowButtonDownFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global klicks;
global mouse;
global PM;
global druck;
global e;
global f;
global g;
global h;
global sx;
global sy;
global msgicon;
druck = true;
if klicks<6
mouse = get(gca,'currentpoint');
hold on
PM(klicks+1,1) = mouse(1,1);
PM(klicks+1,2) = mouse(1,2);
klicks = klicks + 1;
if klicks == 1
h = msgbox('Klicken sie nun den entsprechenden Punkt im rechten Bild an', 'Info','custom',msgicon);
if klicks == 2
h = msgbox('Wiederholen Sie diesen Vorgang nun noch 2 mal.', 'Info','custom',msgicon);
if klicks==6
M1 = [PM(1,1)-PM(3,1) PM(1,2)-PM(3,2) 0 0;
0 0 PM(1,1)-PM(3,1) PM(1,2)-PM(3,2);
PM(1,1)-PM(5,1) PM(1,2)-PM(5,2) 0 0;
0 0 PM(1,1)-PM(5,1) PM(1,2)-PM(5,2)]
M2 = [PM(2,1)-PM(4,1);PM(2,2)-PM(4,2);PM(2,1)-PM(6,1);PM(2,2)-PM(6,2)];
efgh = M1\M2;
e = efgh(1,1);
f = efgh(2,1);
g = efgh(3,1);
h = efgh(4,1);
sx = PM(2,1) - (e*PM(1,1)+f*PM(1,2));
sy = PM(2,2) - (g*PM(1,1)+h*PM(1,2));
klicks = klicks +1;
if true
% code
function figure1_WindowButtonMotionFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global klicks; global mouse; global e; global f; global g; global h; global sx; global sy; global druck; global ha1; %global ha2;
if klicks >=7 mouse = get(gca,'currentpoint'); px = e*mouse(1,1) + f*mouse(1,2) + sx; py = g*mouse(1,1) + h*mouse(1,2) + sy;
if druck == true
plot(mouse(1,1), mouse(1,2), 'r-');
hold on
plot(handles.axes2, px, py, 'b.');
I know i could leave out the handles.axes1. It will paint in that axes then but then I'll get the same error for axes2 stating that it isn't existent... Does anyone know a solution to this?
Thanks and best regards, Daniel

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